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She got them to do a 3D CAD remake of our bedroom, and we got an IKEA gift certificate (unknown amount).

The thing is, at the beginning of the segment, one of the two homos asked her:

-So what's going on in the bedroom?

She replied:

-Not much. :ohmy:

To which the homo replied, after laughing his ass off:

-Okay well we're going to help you with that, sweetie.

I'm not amused.
Did she do the theme song singalong? I swear I saw someone in the singalong that looked just like her but it was just a little box on my TV so I kinda shrugged it off.

I also checked the singalong on Youtube just now but I don't see the whole thing that they had with the end credits and I didn't see the bit with the chick that I thought looked just like her.

Fok, gonna have to download that garbage now.
Fok, gonna have to download that garbage now.

I wish I hadn't immediately deleted it. All you have to watch to see what I'm talking about is the end credits. They did a nationwide theme song singalong where I guess they set up booths or something. They edited a zillion clips together and ran them during the end credits between a few out-takes and whatnot. It's like this except there is another chorus that I can't see on YouTube and that's where I saw who I saw that really did make me stop and think, huh, that looks like E.

But I figured, ehh, prolly not.

i forgot all about sons of anarchy .. all the over the top killing, butchered story lines going all over the fucking place and that fag tranny shit must have been too much of a turnoff ... it was one of my must watch shows every week of every season until midway through the last season... i have no interest to watch the last 5-6 episodes... :dontthinkso:

gone girl was okay, if you like to watch movies that make no sense... maybe a 5 ... dumb shit all throughout ... i started to think they werent even trying to make it believable ...
Binge watched Season 3 of Lillyhammer last night, all of it. Not as good as the previous two seasons, too much skipping around and too many fucking musical scenes. If you like some humor in your mobster crime the series is a good way to take up some time. 7.5 bacons as a whole.

Horrible Bosses Two exceeded low expectations, much better than the first one imo. 7.3 bacons.

The Drop did not deliver. Dark yes, but pretty boring and who gives a shit about the fucking dog? 6.4 Gandolfinis

This is Where I Leave you expectations met - I quickly fell asleep and Cami enjoyed. Rating is N/A
I would give This is Where I Leave You about a 7. I did enjoy the movie, although there are some parts I found very cheesy and poorly acted, but over all, a sweet movie about love and family. It's one of those movies, where, I'd watch it if there was nothing better, but I wouldn't seek it out again.

Agree on The Drop being lame.

Horrible Bosses Two was funtastic. I'd give it an 8.

Season Three of Lillyhammer was just ridiculous, a lot of filler episodes, and they felt more like musicals half the time more then anything. Ending was predictable, a couple of loose ends, but whatever.