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Movie Discussion 7/27/10

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Current Corpse
Jan 20, 2010
Inception - For our second viewing we went to a fancy theater in an upscale part of Tampa. Enhanced visuals and audio, full restaurant and bar. Reclining leather seats. Great time.

I really really really like this movie. Definitely picked up on much more in round two. The star of the film for me is the score. I don't know if I'll ever want to watch at home. The sound system that only a movie theater can provide really accentuates the accompanying score. Those horns OMG those horns!!!

Baby Geniuses - I may have found the best worst movie ever, courtesy of Robyn. Holy crap this was great. You've got these babies that are secret government weapons because they are highly intelligent and can beat up humans. I can't stress how awesome the scenes of a baby beating up a grown man are.

We have Kathleen Turner before she turned into a beast. We have Kim Cattrall before she became cougar-sexy. But what made this movie completely bad ass was none other than the late Dom DeLuise.

The word on old Dom since his death was that he was indeed, a pedophile. Apparently there is some truth to this, because even The Academy left him off of their annual death montage last year. So imagine my horror to see him surrounded by about a dozen baby geniuses!!! Imagine my terror during the scene where Dom is sleeping, and the baby geniuses hypnotize him and make him wiggle his tongue...FOR AN ENTIRE MINUTE!!! Oh man you just can't make this shit up. 8 MattyRains!

Wonder Showzen: Season One - If you don't like the ugly side of wrong wrong wrong, don't ever watch this show. I fucking love it.





The Invention of Lying - It was nifty enough, with some decent comedy moments. I got a kick out of the fact that in a world where lies had not yet been created, there was no religion. Wheeeee!
Yes MrX some of the signage was cool.

I think the church sign said (once church was invented) "A place to silently think about the man in the sky" or something like that.

Retirement home was something like "A place where useless old people stay." I'm off a bit, but they were pretty funny.
Young Victoria - this was new out on DVD. It's about Princess/Queen Victoria (Emily Blount) around the time she first came to power. It's a respectable period piece. It's not bad. I just found it kind of uneventful. It didn't have much to say. I think the main point was, hey, that homely prudish old bat we see the pictures of was once young and moderately spunky. So there. 5.4 out of 10.

The Sixth Sense (1999) - This was the first time I saw it since it first came out. I can't believe I didn't pick up on the twist the first time around but they got me. Well done movie. If you accept the premise I don't see much to criticize about it. I gave it an 8 out of 10 at imdb.
Sixth Sense was some good shit back in the day. Man when he is standing over his sleeping wife and their wedding video is playing and then she drops her wedding ring on the floor and he looks down at his hand and it all hits you...oh man I remember the blood just leaving my head at that moment. Very well done.

Unfortunately, everything that M. Night Shamalamadingdong has done since has been pure garbage. Lady In The Water? Really?? lolololololllllllllllllllll
Caught one of these movies I can't not watch when it's on TV - Election (1999). I must be up to 5 viewings now. Very funny portrayal of an underachiever turned bitter high school teacher (Matthew Broderick) and an overachieving student (Reese Witherspoon) who is borderline-mad in her ambition. We see them resent each other all the while trying to deal with their respective malfunctions the best way they can. There's lying, cheating, more cheating, and a delusional narrative by Broderick who tries to sound like a happy, wholesome man throughout the whole movie, even after he's fired and kicked out of the house and has to start a new life in NYC. Very unassuming and underrated movie IMO. A solid 7.8 Matty Rains out of 10.


This might be one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. It is about the Apocalypse and then some trashy blonde waitress is pregnant with humanity's only hope at survival. Lots of special effects and people turning into zombies. They also acted kinda like vampires as their go to move was always biting others on the neck. The entire movie takes place in a seedy truck stop in which they must defend the unborn baby. Stupid stupid stupid.
Sixth Sense was some good shit back in the day. Man when he is standing over his sleeping wife and their wedding video is playing and then she drops her wedding ring on the floor and he looks down at his hand and it all hits you...oh man I remember the blood just leaving my head at that moment. Very well done.

Unfortunately, everything that M. Night Shamalamadingdong has done since has been pure garbage. Lady In The Water? Really?? lolololololllllllllllllllll

I disagree that it was all garbage...I think Signs was GREAT. I also LOVED the Village even though i knew what was going on about a half hour into it. The happening wasn't awful either...
I have found the M. Night story to be a persistent downhill slide. In order:

The Sixth Sense - very good
Unbreakable - yeah okay
Signs - I'm trying to stick with you - you still have goodwill from The Sixth Sense - but get it together
The Village - no, I'm gone

Haven't seen the rest or heard anything that made me want to.
I disagree that it was all garbage...I think Signs was GREAT. I also LOVED the Village even though i knew what was going on about a half hour into it. The happening wasn't awful either...

And just like that, you're disowned.

Unbreakable was after Sixth Sense. Sixth Sense was his first major work I believe.

Signs was OK, but I just knew that the topic was way too big to come to any sort of a decent conclusion. And I was right, ending was horrible.

Village had it's moments.

The Happening was the worst/funniest thing I've ever seen. Ever.

Lady in the Water got turned off less than an hour into it. BASURA!
Haven't seen the rest or heard anything that made me want to.

I tried to follow this plan, Mudders. Robyn didn't follow my gameplan. Thank your lucky balls that you spared yourself from Lady in the Water and The Happening.