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Movie Discussion 6/30/10

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Invictus - Bad bad movie. Even Morgan Freeman couldn't save this bomb. The usual Matt Damon acting performance. And by that I mean shitty. It tries to be an inspirational movie like Remember The Titans, but it swings and misses badly. 3 out of 10.

The Crazies - I don't usually like horror movies because they aren't scary and they usually make me laugh because they are so bad. But this one was actually a little suspenseful and kept my attention. Of course there are parts that are a little unbelievable but overall I liked it. Especially when people are impaled with a pitch fork. 6 out of 10

Saved! - One of my favorite movies. Very funny. Others might not like it, but it is a spot on portrayal of a youth group I was forced to go to when I was a young teen. 8 out of 10

She's Out Of My League - Typical romantic comedy. Not a bad movie and a few very funny lines. 6.5 out of 10
One of the worst movies I have ever seen. Unoriginal and terrible acting. Even the GF hated it.

I was surprised at how bad the acting was in spots. Jessica Biel really stood out. I didn't realize how bad she is. I have seen Anne Hathaway be okay in some things but she was painful to watch. Julia Roberts - ack! They actually gave her an Oscar once upon a time.

At least they had Taylor Swift to save the ensemble. :rolleyes:
:clueless: Season 2 was my favorite. I don't know that any season is "slower" than the other.

And I don't know that it's ever going to "blow up" the way you expect Breadipoo. IMO the show's greatness was mostly in the dialogue and the super-duper-extensive character development.

Surprised to hear you didn't like O Brother that much. It's probably in my top, I dunno, 25 of all-time. Clooney, the music, the crazy journey, the cartoony 1930's ambiance, I thought it was all brilliant.

And Herman, I think you're gonna be disappointed by Band of Brothers if you just watched The Pacific. The latter was a lot superior IMO.

I am actually enjoying Season 2 of The Wire better than Season 1. And of course, I am very happy that Omar is back but I am sure the happiness will be short lived. No way a guy makes a living stealing from drug dealers for 9 years and lives, even in make believe land.

I'm with you, Matty. O Brother is one of my favorite movies as well. I suppose if someone isn't familiar with The Odyssey, they might not see the crafty way the characters were portrayed in the movie.

I saw Band of Brothers a long time ago and liked it. But, I saw the series finale of The Pacific and loved it.
Field of Dreams Perfect season for this kind of movie, Kostner is believable, his wife plays a flaky part that I can't stand, like it as a baseball film, and like Ray Liotta's character as Shoeless Joe plus the black guy that did the Lion King voice over is in it so it gets at least a 7 out of 10

Wolfman Um...what can I say...good special effects, ending was foreshadowed through the entire movie, never cared about the characters too much, kinda on the gory side but what do you expect from a wolfman eating a bunch of people. 5 out of 10 and that's probably generous.

Blow Pretty good flick all around. Depp plays George Jung basically the first son of cocaine circa late 70's early 80's but the film starts from his early childhood through hippy/pot days and to jail and out again and trying to be a father and back to jail etc etc. Also has Ray Liotta who actually makes me feel pretty sad at the end when he is in his garage listening to the tape George made for him. 7.5 out of 10
I am actually enjoying Season 2 of The Wire better than Season 1. And of course, I am very happy that Omar is back but I am sure the happiness will be short lived. No way a guy makes a living stealing from drug dealers for 9 years and lives, even in make believe land.

I'm with you, Matty. O Brother is one of my favorite movies as well. I suppose if someone isn't familiar with The Odyssey, they might not see the crafty way the characters were portrayed in the movie.

I saw Band of Brothers a long time ago and liked it. But, I saw the series finale of The Pacific and loved it.

Season 3 and 4 of the wire were my favorites. And Omar is the best.
Anchorman II: Wake Up, Ron Burgundy!

Not many people know this even exists. If you are a fan of the utter nonsense in Anchorman, you will enjoy this as well. It's mainly made up of extra clips that didn't make the original, and there are no less than 10 LOL moments.
Man I have so many that I have seen lately I don't even know if I can list them all. I will do a couple at the very least.

She's Out of My League

Unlike HOFF...I thought this was REALLY good. It kept me laughing just about the entire movie. It was much better than expected and the girl that is the main character is freaking HOTTTT. It definitely was a pleasant surprise.

The Road

So I saw this movie after reading the book which I know is always a bit tricky. The story is about the journey of a man and his son through a burnt up (seemingly post-apocalyptic) world. The man is trying to instill in his son survival skills and life skills as he knows that he won't live forever especially in this ever changing world. The movie had a lot more religious undertones than the book and the characters weren't developed nearly as much. It really shows human struggle and what we will do for our loved ones. On the other hand it does give you the thought that there is always a little hope. I am not sure I would recommend this movie...not because it was bad but because the book was so much better. Go read that.

Synecdoche, New York

Alright...so I finally got around to watching this movie on the advice of just about everyone here. I am sorry but to me...it was just blah. I realize that it was like a story wrapped up in a story and what they were trying to is show that everything happens for a reason and it all comes full circle but...I don't know. I just could not get into the thing at all. Everyone says that you have to watch it a couple times to really get it...I don't think I would watch it again...it really was that lame to me.
Synecdoche, New York

Alright...so I finally got around to watching this movie on the advice of just about everyone here. I am sorry but to me...it was just blah. I realize that it was like a story wrapped up in a story and what they were trying to is show that everything happens for a reason and it all comes full circle but...I don't know. I just could not get into the thing at all. Everyone says that you have to watch it a couple times to really get it...I don't think I would watch it again...it really was that lame to me.

ASS FACE!!!!!!!!!!:muddy:
Anchorman II: Wake Up, Ron Burgundy!

Not many people know this even exists. If you are a fan of the utter nonsense in Anchorman, you will enjoy this as well. It's mainly made up of extra clips that didn't make the original, and there are no less than 10 LOL moments.

I know you heard me.
I love you.
And I wanna be with you...
Like men...

Synecdoche, New York

Alright...so I finally got around to watching this movie on the advice of just about everyone here. I am sorry but to me...it was just blah. I realize that it was like a story wrapped up in a story and what they were trying to is show that everything happens for a reason and it all comes full circle but...I don't know. I just could not get into the thing at all. Everyone says that you have to watch it a couple times to really get it...I don't think I would watch it again...it really was that lame to me.

It completely falls into the artsy fartsy, the-form-is-the-content, boho intellectual type of thing. I don't think that Bread realizes he should hate this thing with a passion.
Matty I'm not sure I agree with you. I mean, there are plenty of movies LIKE that, I just don't think this is one of them. The plot is well thought out, it's incredibly deep, the characters are original and intriguing, if you get bored halfway through there is some nudity, not great nudity but nudity nonetheless. Just because it doesn't have explosions or a gay vampire or isn't programmed to look like a video game doesn't mean it's artsy fartsy. At least, not in my world.