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More thoughts on jobs and working

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I'm interviewing for a part-time gig that sounds cool. I'd be working with some big names.

Also in the process of training a young guy to take over most if not all of the guitar stuff.

I gotta go back to making adult money if I ever want to purchase real estate in the GTA.

I'm actually excited to see the guitar thing become its own thing that I can manage at arm's length.
The employer is a localization/translation service provider for three HUGH tech companies. I'd be managing the three clients' localization process, without doing actual translation work. Project management type role.
It's all largely automated now. AI has gotten scary good at it, at least for standard business communications type stuff.

When I was working for a translation firm in 2007 we weren't expected to translate more than 1000-1500 words a day. It's about three times more now with machine learning and CAT tools.
I'm suddenly interviewing for two jobs. Haven't heard back from the first one since Tuesday though, so I don't think I got it.

The latest one pays better but the actual job stinks - it's for a bank. Can't say no to that cash money though, and it would be all remote as well.

There's this telemarketing firm that was gonna pay me like $18/hr awhile back. The recruiter was awesome, I opted for UC and online poker instead at the time for obvious reasons.

Call centers are tough for Steves because I HATE loud, obnoxious salespeople that try to overpower people (especially the elderly) into sales, shit gives me a migraine on the real. It makes me think of someone talking to one of my parents that way and it gives me violent thoughts (even sober).

That being said once I get my devices I'll likely check in w that recruiter. I'll likely have to shelter it out until I have enough for a security deposit. I'll sleep on my fucking laptop and phone.

What's funny but not really funny is I did coincidentally walk by their premises, and you know who guards it?

Yep, that security firm I worked for that I am NOT bffs with.

Donna said she has given that church donations, maybe or maybe not insinuating that she might help me out, so hopefully we see her soon.

Even if she does nothing for me she's an incredible person and I'm pretty oeeced at myself for missing her this mourning.
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:dunno: I don't even know what any of the jobs today mean. Project manager :clueless:
Everybody's got big projects they're involved in or assisting something or other, or analyzing what not.
All I know is, if I can't make it gambling, I'm moving in straight under a bridge. No fancy job titles for me :nope:
I had my interview this morning. The hiring manager was cold af. There's going to be another round of interviews with their client, but based on said manager's body language and curt manner I don't think I made it.

Why even talk to me in the first place then. Ugh.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Could be that the hiring manager is disinterested cause the client is going to be the one making the final hiring decision. This other girl I'd be working with was way friendlier and more enthusiastic.

But nah. I'd be surprised to hear I'm going through. I think I fucked up by calling myself "a bit of a jack of all trades" at one point. No one wants to hear that when they're hiring for a very specific job, I guess. But if you'd bother to go through my resume, you'd immediately notice I'm not a career translator.


Still waiting to hear from the bank. They're probably still reviewing the test I did on Thursday, t'was fairly long.