The drywall negro was told to keep the pen that he borrowed from the bricklayer superintendent.
Mind you that most superintendents have these gay ass leather binder they use for paperwork. Me myself, I have a clipboard that opens up to store paperwork and I keep a pad of paper on the front of the board. The drywall shine is writing on the back of the construction schedule with a pen he was given. Long story short I tell him i need some stuff done by the 18th. He says he can't do that. So I say I will give you one more week. And if it's not done one week after that I will install my sheetmetal and he will be fucked. He says ok but he wants to write the day down and he doesn't have a calendar in front of him. So I tell him I don't have a calendar in front of me either but 18+7 is write down the 2 first, then write a 5.
Stupid, stupid, stupid..