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I don't care what you do Mudcat. I know who I am. If Fischnasty wants to say I am Casper as well, let him. Pretty dumb on his part, but okay. I really don't care what you and this forum thinks. I am here to beat Durito in a contest, and after I do and he has to buy me lap dances for a night, he will see who I am and report back to you guys.

The chance of you winning said bet is way less than 1%

The chance of me going anywhere with you is many times less than that.
And another ignorant one. Man, do they just breed you guys here?

Yes I'm afraid they do. Every last one of us is an inbred ignoramus - except for you and your roomie of course.

So maybe you should join the completely aware posters at Covers.

I promise you won't see any of us there. We're too dumb for that joint.
Razor, who is the Liar? Me or Casper

when I chatted with him the other day in sbr chat I guess that he was "you" and Casper confirmed it. It was kinda obvious when the chat pm's went like this...

Casperwaits: hey pal how are ya?
archie: ok, how ya been? got any winners?
Casperwaits. Bosox, been busy writing, went out with my ex
archie: that's cool, you gonna come around GL anymore?
Casper: I don't know, hey what do you think of that new poster Razor?
archie: never fuking heard of him pal...
archie: what made you choose the name razor as a ghost, you should have gone with somthing like radish or gay wheelchair
Casper: needed a clean cut from the drama and to stay out of the limelight....

ect ect...

I guess I'm a liar though....... Tell Caspy i'm sorry for spreading lies
I'm not sure.....

but I prob have a better time frame than you do on the subject....

because that chat was between me and Casper........ not you right?

but yeah, maybe it WAS two weeks ago

It wasn't between you and me. I just know when I took over the Razor name. I already explained that on here about a week ago. That is why I was asking.