Sqare one and thats why ive layed low cuz shes all i want and all i need thay say the one u fall in love shude be your best friend and she is.she kno every thang about me thangs kno one elce well ever kno and still loves me she seen me at my worst and best i just the shell waz here to hold so that my sadness and emptyness can be fielld.gess im just stressin bout that and that i singed up for job core hopeing to find out in the next few weeks that ive been acceped and find out were ill be geting my g.e.d and starting my traning for my new life long career.bout time i go outside my comefert zone and step up.but i kno if i dont ill be locked all my life.and her and the famley life i really long for well never be.befor id fall back cuz i felt kno one cared id get down cuz id never get a grate job on the good work hope u keep it up.or evein a hay how u doin are u ok havent talk to u an allmost a year or how bout just a hay its been all most a year seen i talk to u are u alive and ya it dose suck cuz this one 2/3
Yeat agein anouther sleepliss night people dont realize no matter how big a dick or an ass hole the femails in my life say i can be or am.or kno matter how maney people u have seen me knock out some have seen meny outhers have seen none.do to the fact thats a monster i prefear thay not see for what ever the reson may be.or evein how heard ive built my heart to be.no matter what girls i sleep with or now i shude say slept with and layed with.it never truley filled the loneyness in my heart.because i admet ive been a dog and told some femails ive felt a sertin way for them wen all i wonted waz them nacked and waz wrong of me and i fell as tho mabe its carma and the reson i dont have the onley one that takes my loneleyness away.ill fell lake a lost soul in the world laying with who ever just to fill the loneleyness that onley seems to go away as soon as i see that blue truck make its way up the road.i start to fell the emptyness being filled.and wen i see her face i fell hole and wen she go agen im back at 1/2
Person i havent talk to an about a year or so waz my hero groing up all i ever wonted waz him to tell me good job i wonted to be just like him wen i grew up.kno what he wold do or what promases he wold brake i still wold love him like it never happein.but now it for my happyness