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Michael Segura appreciation thread

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Michael Segura
so heres the up date thay said i hade whats called a mine strok wiche calsed a paneik atack wen i got there i hade 3 seashers woke up theis mornig thay wonted to hold me a few more so i tryed to stay but waz over it by like 1or 2 this after none i waz over it.so i left i fell ight just my hole body is sore.thay say it mostlikley was caused by stress.thans for thoes of you who cared it means a lot.


Michael Segura
man i seen my whole life last night thout i waz diein really thout i waz ready tell last night.ant never been so scared b-4
so heres the up date thay said i hade whats called a mine strok wiche calsed a paneik atack wen i got there i hade 3 seashers woke up theis mornig thay wonted to hold me a few more so i tryed to stay but waz over it by like 1or 2 this after none i waz over it.so i left i fell ight just my hole body is sore.thay say it mostlikley was caused by stress.thans for thoes of you who cared it means a lot.

translation: so here is the up to date. they said i had what is called a minor stroke which caused a panic attack. when i got there, i had 3 seizures. i woke up this morning and they wanted me to stay a few more days for observation. i was over it. by 1 or 2 this afternoon, i left the hospital. i felt alright. my whole body is sore. they say it was caused by stress. thanks to you all who cared, it means a lot!
I am Tammie Lynn :) I have my first baby on the way..ITS A GIRL!!! She is due in Mommys arms March10th 2012 ♥ I have the most AMAZING family in this world! My daughter,family & TRUE friends are my world!! I am a Christian [[[I HAVE ALL MY MY FAITH IN MY LORD & SAVIOR]]] Miracles DO come true...Blessed in Loved in so many ways!

so heres the up date thay said i hade whats called a mine strok wiche calsed a paneik atack wen i got there i hade 3 seashers woke up theis mornig thay wonted to hold me a few more so i tryed to stay but waz over it by like 1or 2 this after none i waz over it.so i left i fell ight just my hole body is sore.thay say it mostlikley was caused by stress.thans for thoes of you who cared it means a lot.

translation: so here is the up to date. they said i had what is called a minor stroke which caused a panic attack. when i got there, i had 3 seizures. i woke up this morning and they wanted me to stay a few more days for observation. i was over it. by 1 or 2 this afternoon, i left the hospital. i felt alright. my whole body is sore. they say it was caused by stress. thanks to you all who cared, it means a lot!

Deeper translation: got a hold of some shit glue meth, but hit it hard anyways...fucked me up good and had to go to the hospital...niggas wanted to hold me a few more days so they could charge me more...dumb dr's, dont they know i dont have insurance and aint paying anyways...i did them a favor by leaving... my homies having a party for me tonight...byocrack and lets do this...:facepalm:
tales of seffner

breanna easterwood, g/f of riley watson nemesis of naynay


rumor is that riley watson was pimping her out for drugs





Riley Watson
Well today was one of the worst days of my life... I lost the love of my life and bestfriend in one go this is not fair!! Hope she will remember that there is two things I gave her which is my heart and soul and its hers forever!! I want u to know that ill be here for u through this shit! Im gonna show uLIVE BY DIE BY


Michael Segura
ever kno what it fells like to love some one more then life its self to the pont were u wold give your own life just for there own happyness but at the end of the day kno matter how much of your life you drenk away or how much drugs u do can never convince your self that thay do or ever have felt the same about u.no matter how maney empty bottiles i thro away for the rest of my life your still gonna have my heart.and thats what herts the most cuz wene i walk outside on a beautifull day and thank of you i look over and realize u r not with me and all in life then seems worthless.or wene i thank of just be to tierd and wore out and desinding of my horeabley wrong ways it seems unworth it.cuz i dont have that one i strive the aproveil of by my side.its as tho ive created a name for my self.ive made those who kno my name in fear of me in this little hick town hole in the wall town all for what so that i can be misrabull.hughhh.say my name and evaey one knos me but how is that really wene i dont evein kno my self aney more.who is this monster ive become?

Tammie Lynn Chew
I cant save you, I have to save myself first.. Im sorry Michael - dont hate me

