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Meet my crazy neighbour

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So right after the habs beat the pens last night, I’m about to head to bed 10:30ish.

I hear a bang at door. There’s a old man sitting on my porch. He’s obviously wasted.

The Uber driver dropped him at wrong house. And basically carried him to my door. I yelled down to him to ‘get the guy out of here’ and he just said ‘ No not my problem’ and drove off.

I realize he is the old surly guy from across street. We have never spoke, but he seems like a dick. I tell him to get the fuck out of here. Hes just in pure zombie mode, sitting there and then some erratic behavior. Besides the annoyance, he can also eat shit down the steep steps.

What would you do?

So besides just seeming like a dick (prob annoyed the young californians moved in across the street).

He’s the only neighbor that has said a word to us. Not a big deal.

But he seems to direct his dog to walk 40 yards and shit/piss in our yard. Seen it happen a dozen times.

Im annoyed that he’ll just wake up and not remember shit. Like it never happened.

Bone, if he ate shit on step (shitty retaining wall could have collapsed) How responsible are we?
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That's another thing I enjoy about condo living - there's no real expectation of neighborliness. I was semi-friendly with the Chinese family across the hall for like 6 years, and then one day they were gone. No goodbyes or anything. Perfection. 👌

Fuck that spaced-out drunk fuck. How do you end up at the wrong house?
Fuck that spaced-out drunk fuck. How do you end up at the wrong house?

Pretty sure he or the bartender gave Uber the wrong address.

I was yelling at the uber guy. He spent 5 minutes getting him out of car, then walking him up steps to door, but wouldn't remove him.

Threatened to take a pic of his license plate. He didn't seem to care.
He likes hockey, drankin and he has a dog. Seems like you guys have a lot in common. Go bring him a bottled water and some advil tell him to quit scaring the wife and to take his dog to someone else's yard to shit and have a good laugh.

I dont know TN property law re: duties of responsibility to trespassers but im sure nowhere (perhaps other than the peoples republic of CA) do you have a duty to inform of hazards to a trespasser.

Obviously you can't shoot a guy who is merely trespassing. Even in castle or stand your ground states there has to be a reasonable belief of bodily harm.