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Man, hate posting any negativity, but pretty sure my girl got popped w a DUI last

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lawyering up for a DUI like this is just throwing bad money at the situation. just get a public defender, they'll do the same for free which is estinally sitting in court with ya while the judge makes an example outta ya
not sure the exact laws there but here DUIs have mandatory guidelines to go by and a lawyer will not do shit except collect his check.
and if she's habitual then its on a whole nother level.
1st offense, yea she could get suspended sentence, and Breathalyzer installed on car, have to get SR22 insurance
2nd offense, the game changes

I would research the laws there before paying a lawyer if it was me.
like I said here the DUI laws must be much more strict...
2nd offense habitual is mandatory 6 months
3rd offense habitual is up to 5 yrs

Yeah man it's twice - but the 1st one 9 years ago I mean come on. Jail? Twice in 6 months I get, maybe even 2 years. But 9 years? Jail? Come on.
I don't do DUI under any circumstances. Hungover as heck yes, DUI no. I learned that one the hard way at 21. I can see why you said that though.

ya can still get a DUI hungover the next morning.
few yr ago, we went to a TOOL concert in ATL, I got shitfaced drunk that night, got up early the next morning to drive home.
got pulled over for speeding...
cop said I smelled like a brewery and had me blow.
I was .01 under the legal limit and hadnt had a drink in probally 7 hrs or so.
moral of the story I was still buzzed/hungover ( the kind from a hard liqour night) and shouldnt of been driving
ya can still get a DUI hungover the next morning.
few yr ago, we went to a TOOL concert in ATL, I got shitfaced drunk that night, got up early the next morning to drive home.
got pulled over for speeding...
cop said I smelled like a brewery and had me blow.
I was .01 under the legal limit and hadnt had a drink in probally 7 hrs or so.
moral of the story I was still buzzed/hungover ( the kind from a hard liqour night) and shouldnt of been driving

This I have to keep in mind. I get wasted alot on Sunday nights then drive back for work 6 am the next morning and convince myself I'm just a champ. Glad you brought this up.
don't fuck around with a public defender. pay for an attorney. She may not even have to show up at court. 2 times in 9 years? sounds like some wheeling and dealing could be done with this.

My buddy got a public defender a few years back, kid had no money, was living on my couch, and I was broke too, so I couldn't lend him any money, his lawyer never showed up.
Alright so lawyer one says 20 days jail, work release and no license for 180 days, I steered clear of money talk but I assume it's brutal.

The bent thing is she can't contest it because in her county the DUI court is shut down due to lack of funding, so they handle everything black and white.

Just trying to keep her upbeat and make her laugh as much as possible, it's all I can do. She got her 2nd job back but the promotion is gone.

MMike - good point about the next day syndrome (that you could get a DUI the next morning) I hammered that into her head. One more and she gets a mandatory year. Can NOT happen that way. Nice one Mike.
20 days will probally be more like 10-15 days actually assuming that county gives "good time" which most jails do.
here you get 1 day off your sentence per week for being a good boy while incarcerated.
no breathalizer installed on her car when she gets license back?
SR22 insurance??? which is the real bitch, talk about extreme rates....
20 days will probally be more like 10-15 days actually assuming that county gives "good time" which most jails do.
here you get 1 day off your sentence per week for being a good boy while incarcerated.
no breathalizer installed on her car when she gets license back?
SR22 insurance??? which is the real bitch, talk about extreme rates....

Well for now they are saying she loses her license for 18 months when she gets back. Not sure what happens after that, I'd put money on both of those things being the case.
I know that this sounds crazy, but a good lawyer trick is this. Don't do anything the cops want you to do for a DUI. Don't blow, give blood or do any sobriety tests, which includes following a light with your eyes, they don't care if you can follow the light, when alcohol is present and you look extreme left or right your eyes uncontrollably twitch (horizontal astigmatism), dead giveaway that you've been drinking. If you do this, in most states you will lose your license for 1 year, but hardship licenses are available so you can drive to work and such. What it does is give the police zero evidence that you were drunk when you got pulled over. When you go to trial, they will have no BAC and no video of you stumbling around like a drunkard. If your lawyer is worth a shit, they will plead it down to reckless driving or something similar. Don't be a dick about it, just politely decline the tests and go with the officers and let the courts sort it out.
I know that this sounds crazy, but a good lawyer trick is this. Don't do anything the cops want you to do for a DUI. Don't blow, give blood or do any sobriety tests, which includes following a light with your eyes, they don't care if you can follow the light, when alcohol is present and you look extreme left or right your eyes uncontrollably twitch (horizontal astigmatism), dead giveaway that you've been drinking. If you do this, in most states you will lose your license for 1 year, but hardship licenses are available so you can drive to work and such. What it does is give the police zero evidence that you were drunk when you got pulled over. When you go to trial, they will have no BAC and no video of you stumbling around like a drunkard. If your lawyer is worth a shit, they will plead it down to reckless driving or something similar. Don't be a dick about it, just politely decline the tests and go with the officers and let the courts sort it out.

Thanks. I'll do that if ever.
That sounds solid as heck Swarmy. I will keep it in mind, though I don't drive under the influence; but Mike brought up a great point about the mornings after.

I imagine the officer would get a little heated there. That's OK though. They are just doing their admirable job and we are just trying to not have our lives messed up.

Solid, ty. Not sharing this with her as it could encourage her to do it again.
I know that this sounds crazy, but a good lawyer trick is this. Don't do anything the cops want you to do for a DUI. Don't blow, give blood or do any sobriety tests, which includes following a light with your eyes, they don't care if you can follow the light, when alcohol is present and you look extreme left or right your eyes uncontrollably twitch (horizontal astigmatism), dead giveaway that you've been drinking. If you do this, in most states you will lose your license for 1 year, but hardship licenses are available so you can drive to work and such. What it does is give the police zero evidence that you were drunk when you got pulled over. When you go to trial, they will have no BAC and no video of you stumbling around like a drunkard. If your lawyer is worth a shit, they will plead it down to reckless driving or something similar. Don't be a dick about it, just politely decline the tests and go with the officers and let the courts sort it out.
been there , done that... but I wrecked
when I came to, I took off and hid in a ditch until the cops were gone and my truck was towed.
turned myself in the next morning still drunk but all they could charge me with was leaving the scene,reckless driving.
I talked to the judge that week and he dropped the leaving the scene charge.
lawyer cost =$0, license wasnt suspended, paid my fine in full so no probation.
lesson learned though
I know that this sounds crazy, but a good lawyer trick is this. Don't do anything the cops want you to do for a DUI. Don't blow, give blood or do any sobriety tests, which includes following a light with your eyes, they don't care if you can follow the light, when alcohol is present and you look extreme left or right your eyes uncontrollably twitch (horizontal astigmatism), dead giveaway that you've been drinking. If you do this, in most states you will lose your license for 1 year, but hardship licenses are available so you can drive to work and such. What it does is give the police zero evidence that you were drunk when you got pulled over. When you go to trial, they will have no BAC and no video of you stumbling around like a drunkard. If your lawyer is worth a shit, they will plead it down to reckless driving or something similar. Don't be a dick about it, just politely decline the tests and go with the officers and let the courts sort it out.

This is a pretty sharp post but I'd like to add a little....

First off, if you know you're hammered, don't drive. A cab is way cheaper than an attorney/getting your DL reinstated/insurance hikes etc.

Swarmy's post is sharp though if you are DUI and get pulled over but you can still be on video without doing the road side exercises. If you step out of the car and engage in a conversation with the cop, it's all on video in most jurisdictions.
This is a pretty sharp post but I'd like to add a little....

First off, if you know you're hammered, don't drive. A cab is way cheaper than an attorney/getting your DL reinstated/insurance hikes etc.

Swarmy's post is sharp though if you are DUI and get pulled over but you can still be on video without doing the road side exercises. If you step out of the car and engage in a conversation with the cop, it's all on video in most jurisdictions.

Correct. I don't condone DUI, cabs are the way to go if you're going out, but, a video of you simply telling an officer that you decline to take tests is not enough to get a DUI charge. Hopefully, if you can't pull that off without looking f'd up, you have the brains to not be driving in the first place.