Let's talk about wildlife

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Giraffe on same page as security, good to see. There is no i in team, but there is one in giraffe and kick.

The lick - nice touch buddy, classic, and pro.
Bunny Island. weeeee
One month-old panda triplets. Don't know the deal here. Based on what I know of Pandas they usually come in pairs - and then one of them dies.

But whatever - here they are.

Wildlife versus modern technology

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it ends almost like a movie trailer
That has to be fake.
What's with those ants riding the worm while the others pull. I'd be like DUDE! What's your problem? Get the fuck off!
Wildlife and sports (?) was never so cute


He's gonna break that flag. Shit like that is exactly why golf is so expensive.
<--sheds a "that's adorable!" tear
See him rub his back on it?

Oh my gosh.
I noticed that one. He tried to trick it by leaning up against it and throwing the arm up