Hooligans Sportsbook

let's challenge Muddy's brain

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I gotta look up the countries.

UA - United Arab Emirates ? :redx: - Ukraine
CH - China ?? :redx: - Switzerland
SE - Senegal ??? :redx: - Sweden
PY - Paraguay ???? :greencheck:
NL - Netherlands ????? :greencheck:
MM - Myanmar ?????? :greencheck:
MA - Malaysia ???????? :redx: - Morocco
KH - Kazakhstan ???????????? :redx: - Cambodia
IL - Iceland ???????????????????? :redx: - Israel
TM - Turkmenistan ?????????????????????? :greencheck:

Oh dear
Switzerland takes it from latin Confederatio Helvetica. Morocco from French Maroc. I like how the Cambodians go old school with the Khamer name.

I thought Myanmar and Turkmenistan would be the ones that gave you trouble but you got them both.

It took me a while to get used to the idea of UA but it has become my favorite country code.