Hooligans Sportsbook

kato's good mourning/good evening thread

Good evening/night gamelive!!

Loving the job..getting prepared to do some cold calls...a little nervouse but looking forward to it..
Helps that I have the best mentor anyone could ask for!

Life just keeps improving...when one door closes another opens.
nice cami, don't be shy, always take control on the conversation

goog luck

Rog I got a bite today!!! I'm so estatic!!!
Gonna finish working it in the morning...cross your fingers for me boyzz!!

Good evening gamelive!!
Great day today...a few bumps..but all said and done...fokin great day!!
Hope everyone else had a good one too and makes it through hump day tomorrow!

Blitty you know I saw on tv the other night that was funny?

Some show or movie (can't remember exactly what it was except that it was some late night shit)
But was these group of thugs down south...so how they talked was a mixture of souther accent and phrases
Mixed with ghetto slang...fokkin funny...
Rog I got a bite today!!! I'm so estatic!!!
Gonna finish working it in the morning...cross your fingers for me boyzz!!

Good evening gamelive!!
Great day today...a few bumps..but all said and done...fokin great day!!
Hope everyone else had a good one too and makes it through hump day tomorrow!

reel them, I want them out of the water

proud of you
Thanks again guys! Today was a truelyy awesome day!

Good evening gamelive!

Steves bought the dumbest phlyers hat..it came in the mail today...
Its fiber optic so it lights up...dude it fokkin blinks and shit!
Also...for those who do not know...fiber optics are a typre of light, not a type of fabric.

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