Hooligans Sportsbook

kato's good mourning/good evening thread

It's for oral health but mostly a good dose of appearances. I have a dental plan that I pay for but never use. I never had them as a kid, my three sisters did tho.
I never had dental work as a kid and it took me this long in life to REALLY get my teeth where I want them. Invisalign ran me a little over $5000 and I have great dental insurance.

I'm at the dentist know twice a month between cleanings, having two cavities filled and having my wisdom teeth removed (very soon).

I'm so tooth oblivious, I didn't know I had FOUR wisdom teeth. I thought we only had TWO lol.
fuck yes brother @Blitty

who was on drums?

good mourning all.

listening to Holly Golightly this day.

went karting with SOK.

kicked my ass by 2 seconds each heat.

a perfect moment of feeling proud and old.