Hooligans Sportsbook

kato's good mourning/good evening thread

Good mounring Kato.

I did like the part about the Thai food, the part about losing the job not so much. Hang in there my friend.

thanks a lot greg. good evening and mourning

good evening kato. Stick with the unemloyment. Use your time for something meaningful, like plotting to take over the world.

i will need your help for plotting purposes, reno. good evening and mourning.
Kato. Happy Fryday.
Good afternoon. Happy Fryday!
Yes Kato is back in the gay crew mix! :dance:

Sorry bout your job though.
Happy to be back, fuck them. Thanks.
mourning kato

sorry to hear about your job man
Good afternoon RJ. Thanks my brother.
Yeah that job shit is shitty. Bit of a setback there.

Oh well - when the going gets tough, the tough give the going a flying dropkick from the top rope.
Good afternoon Muddy. Thanks a lot.