Hooligans Sportsbook

kato's good mourning/good evening thread

Phew, Good Evening Gamelive!
Good evening Steve, Kato, Rogue, Archie, Reno.
Kato- how goes life?
Rogue- how is life back in the states treating you?
Archie- How's the fundraising going?
Reno- how is life?
How are you gamelive?! Hopefully well, Friday is almost here!

It was, with out a doubt, one of the hardest, most fucked up months of my life. Lord knows work has been stressful to the max, and then losing kitty, among other personal struggles. It was no cake walk. I lost my damned mind. Then the month ends, and you get paid, and we become good again, and things are a little easier. I certainly appreciate you staying by my side through out everything. I am a women, and I bitch that you take me for granted, but when the months end, and all hell as broke lose, and yet there you are, holding me up and keeping us strong, makes me realize how lucky I am to have you, and that maybe, I am the one taking you for granted sometimes. CONGRATS to you too, you got us through! You earned that bonus baby, you really did. Now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor.

(sorry for the mushiness guys, but it need to be said. He needs to know he is appreciated)
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