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is gamelive part of the sopa blackout?

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Heh. I would definitely consider Oz, xpy.

Several of my friends from there said its hard to get a visa though.

I have a computer programming and network engineering background. I wouldn't think it'd be hard for me to get a job.

I just don't want one. That's the biggest problem.

You don't need a visa to gamble or even live here. No one checks because most of the time your visa is electronic - even my permanent one is. Awhile ago when I was at the shoddy immi office, a guy was there presenting his plane ticket to depart because overstayed for like 6 or 7yrs. As long as you have some cash, are white and don't want benefits of any sort, you'll be fine. Bizarro world down here.
You don't need a visa to gamble or even live here. No one checks because most of the time your visa is electronic - even my permanent one is. Awhile ago when I was at the shoddy immi office, a guy was there presenting his plane ticket to depart because overstayed for like 6 or 7yrs. As long as you have some cash, are white and don't want benefits of any sort, you'll be fine. Bizarro world down here.
Oksy ive still got one of those non-chipped passport. Customs and passport checks where i live takes like 4 hours (no that is not a joke)...

I see ppl with the electronically chipped passports pass through in like 20 minutes :surrender:
You don't need a visa to gamble or even live here. No one checks because most of the time your visa is electronic - even my permanent one is. Awhile ago when I was at the shoddy immi office, a guy was there presenting his plane ticket to depart because overstayed for like 6 or 7yrs. As long as you have some cash, are white and don't want benefits of any sort, you'll be fine. Bizarro world down here.

You think artists, programers, inventors and the people who create intellectual property deserve zero protection? Cause thats basically what we have now. if you believe the wonderful things these people create should be instantly free domain and these people dont deserve to profit appropriately from their labor then youcan go Fuck yourself. Again, I said sopa is NOT the answer.

You do understand that the VAST majority of programmers out there are absolutely opposed to these acts. Right? LOL. There is a high degree of free flowing information that programmers RELY on. Not only that, but take away that information (like hacking, encryption flaws, software exploits, carding, etc.) and see how often sites are attacked because programmers and security providers don't have access to crucial security information. Then watch the exodus of technology companies and massive amounts of jobs lost to countries that don't try to play the role of daddy over their constituents.

Maybe Hollywood needs to invest in better cryptographic technology. That's THEIR onus. I don't feel sorry for all of those millionaires one fucking bit. Besides, how many people would actually buy ANY of the garbage that they download? They should feel lucky that people are actually willing to waste their time watching/listening to most of the crap that they put out these days for free.

And, by the way, I WILL be leaving. I'm not living in a country that CONSTANTLY trumpets "freedom" when BOTH of my occupations have been assaulted by ignorant politicians who try to fix things that they don't understand by attempting to simply restrict access to websites from ONLY their constituents. Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm not Whoopi Goldberg. If you still love a country that has no better civil liberties than communist China, then you're a fucking sheep.
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You don't need a visa to gamble or even live here. No one checks because most of the time your visa is electronic - even my permanent one is. Awhile ago when I was at the shoddy immi office, a guy was there presenting his plane ticket to depart because overstayed for like 6 or 7yrs. As long as you have some cash, are white and don't want benefits of any sort, you'll be fine. Bizarro world down here.

Hmm. That may be my destination then.
You do understand that the majority of programmers out there are absolutely opposed to these acts. Right? LOL. There is a high degree of free flowing information that programmers RELY on. Not only that, but take away that information (like hacking, encryption flaws, software exploits, carding, etc.) and see how often sites are attacked because programmers and security providers don't have access to crucial security information.

Maybe Hollywood needs to invest in better cryptographic technology. That's THEIR onus. I don't feel sorry for all of those millionaires one fucking bit. Besides, how many people would actually buy ANY of the garbage that they download? They should feel lucky that people are actually willing to waste their time watching most of the crap that they put out these days for free.

And, by the way, I WILL be leaving. I'm not living in a country that CONSTANTLY trumpets "freedom" when BOTH of my occupations have been assaulted by ignorant politicians who try to fix things that they don't understand by attempting to simply restrict access to websites from ONLY their constituents. Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm not Whoopi Goldberg.

:lmao: that's how I feel. good post

It's not a waiting game, it's a game of poker. Lamar Smith has a royal flush and few people know it.
SOPA may pass. It may not. He doesn't care, and it doesn't matter. The MPAA and RIAA started working on their legislative strategy to pass a new anti-piracy bill in late 2010. SOPA was designed to raise the noise. Everyone is playing right into the entertainment industries hand. The lobbyists are laughing manically at the ignorance of the mob. Even Wikipedia and reddit have played into it.
What people don't know about is the ace: H.R.1981, the Protecting Children From Internet Pornographers Act of 2011 which is lying in wait. It's not complete. You see, PCIP is not contestable because it's about protecting children. They can, and very well might, copy and paste the full text of SOPA to the end of PCIP. That's the backup. That's the deal that was struck with entertainment industry lobbyists. We will try to push this anti-piracy bill. It probably won't work. Don't worry, we can pass it under an anti-child pornography bill.
There are two things which no Congressman will risk supporting: terrorism and child pornography. There can be no opposition, no discussion. Any anti-piracy law can ALWAYS be reframed as an anti-child pornography bill and it will pass, without even discussion. It will have the full support of the House (minus Ron Paul), the full support of the Senate, and most importantly the full support of the American people. NO ONE wants to risk being called a pedophile.
The entertainment industry has finally caught up with technology. They understand how it works. It took them 15 years, but they know what DNS is. They are going to exploit a fundamental problem with the way DNS is centralized and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. They have found an error in the very architecture of the Internet. The solution, from a free speech standpoint is not to fight it politically. The solution is the fix the error.
We must move to a decentralized system of DNS. It is not impossible. It requires some new thinking and a re-architecture of some web services, but it must be done if we want the Internet, as we know it today, to exist in 5 or 10 years.
If I write a song, no one should have the right to pirate it. There must be a working solution to this, sure don't want government involved. I'm afraid they will throw some bill add-on.

No one has the right to pirate it already.

People act like this is some new phenomenon created by the Internet. People have been copying VHS and cassette tapes, stealing cable/satellite, etc. for YEARS before the Internet. Laws HAVE NOT and ARE NOT going to stop it.

These production companies should be investing the millions of dollars they spend lobbying Congress in an attempt to destroy civil liberties (which are apparently only a convenient self-interest in their eyes) in alternative ways to encrypt and secure their data. Would you blame a dog for eating your food if you left it sitting on the coffee table unattended? Or would you think, "Gee. Maybe I shouldn't have just left that shit sitting there for the dog to eat?" These industries don't deserve sympathy. They deserve a boycott.