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Is anal inappropriate on the first date?

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Blitty here's how you find out...... as you are licking her get one hand by her ass..... use one finger and start some ass play..... if she goes oh yaaaa baby more..... you know your good to go. If she jumps up and asks what the fuck you think you are doing you got your answer too..... if she lets you finger fuck her ass then the cok will be going in and she'll be ok with it. Getting something in the ass is easier if you play with the woman's clit by licking etc.

As always your mileage my vary here.
Blitty here's how you find out...... as you are licking her get one hand by her ass..... use one finger and start some ass play..... if she goes oh yaaaa baby more..... you know your good to go. If she jumps up and asks what the fuck you think you are doing you got your answer too..... if she lets you finger fuck her ass then the cok will be going in and she'll be ok with it. Getting something in the ass is easier if you play with the woman's clit by licking etc.

As always your mileage my vary here.

Acid you definitely know what's up. I did this on the 1st weekend with this one, just a pinkie, and promised her nirvana. She grinded on the pinkie.
Blitty my first reaction is to go for it. But if you are banging her on the first date, I am thinking that there could be more sex on a second occasion, and that regular sex my be better than anal. Yoru 2nd or 3rd time with the girl my be a better time. Know if she sucks in bed and you know this is only going to be a one time thing, I would just stick it in her ass, and go from there based on her reaction.

Tully, great minds think a like. I am surprised we haven't met up and partied yet. Lets make it happen. :up:
i think we saw how things panned out for ric flair and roguescholar. better steer clear of the buttplay bud :thumbsup:

Not sure if you are talking to me but dude I went too far with it. All her girlfriends are like "finally someone who knows how you REALLY like it!" I did this all before I knew how unsafe it was. I am pot committed.

But my answer remains the same Blitty. Get to know her first. I hope we are all still friends if/when I get a disease. BLITTY DON'T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE. I never had a choice.