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I Have Hooters Girl posting On Here Next Week

Now yer just being gay. Everyone has had a crush on Teela.


Matty, don't get me wrong, she was an attractive woman..lol. I am just saying that all those vids and posts were schtick. They made for some laughs. Pavy, I just wanted to get a female perspective on here. Like to break up the sausage factory a bit. She is down for it. I talked to her yesterday, and I am just hammering out some details. i want her to post about Hooters life, dating, clothes..lol. Just a different perspective. I am trying to bring something to the table.
Oh, how he uses the past tense. Casper I got bitchslapped once for using the past tense when talking to an ex-flame.

Casper be careful, we don't want you to get hurt.

I meant is. I haven't seen her since the bash...lol. Considering she is not an ex (and thank god for her) I don't think my opinion will illicit any anger from Teela. She knows I think she is cool.