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I don't like when they change the meanings of words

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I agree with the distortion of the meaning "hero". If being in a tragic event makes you a hero, than I guess to a degree we are all heroes. Who hasn't been in a tragic or unfortunate situation? Heros are the people that held the Arizona gunman down so he could not kill anymore. the 9 year old girl was not a hero. She was a casualty. A very sad and unfortunate one, but a casualty nonetheless.
Funeral was yesterday Daffy. Total madness in the media. Muddy's post is on point.

The whole city isn't mourning the loss of one cop, I don't care what the newspaper headlines say. Calm the fok down. It is a sad story. Mention it once and move on.

Yeah. I understand the cops using the rhetoric. They have an ancient brotherhood thing going on and they protect each other and have an us-against-them mentality and they want to indoctrinate the newbies. It goes overboard but it is somewhat understandable.

But the way media bought it all and regurgitated it so uncritically has been really eye-opening to me.

Plus I heard someone call Randy Moss a diva and I did not like it ONE BIT!

It's always a good time to be honking on oboe.

Gamelive needs a new music sub-forum with that as the slogan.

I wonder about this murder thing though. And it's not just murder - the snowplow guy is charged with First Degree Murder.

I have to think that is just some initial posturing and that won't be the charge in the end. I'm no legal expert but I have seen quite a few episodes of Law and Order and I believe premeditation is a key element to First Degree Murder and I just don't see the argument for it.

Certainly if someone that wasn't a cop was killed by a deranged snowplow thief run amok, it would not be first degree murder. I don't think it would be any kind of murder. Negligent homicide? Manslaughter? Something like that.

WWJMD (What Would Jack McCoy Do?)
when you commit a crime vs a cop you can pretty much assume they'll go for the hardest charge. and the the DA usually wins in that situation

Right, under the Criminal Code of Canada the charge of 1st degree murder is automatic when death is caused to a police officer, doesn't matter if the cop was on duty or not.

He will be convicted of 1st degree murder.

Also, if someone dies during the commission of an enditable offense like break enter & theft they will be also charged with murder. I knew a guy in Windsor that broke into a house with his partner and the homeowner confronted them, there was a brief struggle and the elderly man had a heart attack and died, both guys were convicted of 2nd degree murder.
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Also, if someone dies during the commission of an enditable offense like break enter & theft they will be also charged with murder. I knew a guy in Windsor that broke into a house with his partner and the homeowner confronted them, there was a brief struggle and the elderly man had a heart attack and died, both guys were convicted of 2nd degree murder.

Moral of the story, get a fucking job and don't break into peoples homes.
Moral of the story, get a fucking job and don't break into peoples homes.
Mudcat, he was a drug addict that did b&e to support his lifestyle.

I met him in rehab, he's been clean a long time now, still lives in Windsor with his wife and children and he is still on lifetime parole.