Hooligans Sportsbook

I accepts Bread challenge of cocky funny way E-War,shantystar vs Bread.

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Bread i wrote once upon a time a joke here,you ass looks like a deep cave,when i insert echoe sourrounds !
if i masterbating u indarkness,and insert in your nose rather than ass hole ,and early in the morning i saw ur nose swell out than,whats your reaction???????????????why you donnt warn me that i going with wrong hole!!!!!!!!!!!but,its true with yourself coz u r mavericks in sex and made me mavericks to draw new positions.

That's a touchdown.

Shanty 10
Bread 0
You lose, Casanova.


1. You're not agile. No need to say that you are agile THREE TIMES. You are a fatty dragon just like the rest of us. Stop lying.

2. Why could you never do without a purse? And you call others a faggot?!?! LOL!!! :lmao:

3. On a typical Friday night you are: "energetic and quick in work ,awesome time for me to work." Well here we are...Friday night. And you are on your computer talking to me and RayRay as usual. Stop lying! :propeller:

4. Religion: "Christianity and somewhat serious about it" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: This is only funny because earlier you said that you were "a pastor here in karachi." You are my favorite somewhat serious pastor ever!!! :kiss2:

OK your turn.

Quick and impressive response from Bread.

Shanty 10
Bread 7
On behalf of absentee Bread:

To Tonya: I will eat your clit off and spit it into Pecos Bill's mouth; he won't know what to do with it, and will likewise wipe his ass with it and forward it to:

Gahzal: who will then recognize it as that belonging to Tonya, and in admist of the shit smell and possible Pecos Bill jizz residue, possibly respond "good say", them immediately pass it along to Herman, who will gobble it up with gusto, while all the while scream "NICCCKKKAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!111

This board needs help
Shanty do you do the hopping off trick where you make the girl hop off your dick before you explode and she jacks your member off furiously?

It is a good time.

Just make sure there's at least one light on otherwise you may be tasting your own man juice.

That is all, now proceed to the Bread anus comments.

safety or own goal

shanty 10
bread 5
GL,last night bread learn good lesson as he shifted in emergency to a memorial charitable hospital,his condition is stable now,he had 30 stitched in his rectum caviity,
Doctors warned bread do not further anal adventures with SYBIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last night super dooper bitch Robyn got biten by me severely as her right boob milk empty and i bite vigorously on her right boobs!Doctors warned her of breast cancer!!!!!!!!!!!
if she wanna not to be victim of that breast cancer she have to swallow my cum daily basis!as new investigation in this regard says!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bread no more joke poke at me.i deface his ano into a wide canal!!!!!!!!!!!!SYBIAN!!!!!!!!!!

safety or own goal

shanty 10
bread 5

Nigga please. I know you're the head cheerleader for Team Shanty, but if you take my retort as anything less than a touchdown (with 2-pt conversion) then you are a fool.

I'm sure you are fingering your brown brown cunt eagerly awaiting Shanty's next 64-wheeler in anus joke. I'm over it. But if it works for you, I'm not one to discriminate.

Even against you.
There's something I find deeply disturbing about biting boobs for milk.

she is cunning ass!she hold milk like white cow does in dairy farms!!!!!!!!!!so i enforce her to release healthy milk for me!she take toil from me everynightafter bread goes to factory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!than me and she in happy time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nigga please. I know you're the head cheerleader for Team Shanty, but if you take my retort as anything less than a touchdown (with 2-pt conversion) then you are a fool.

I'm sure you are fingering your brown brown cunt eagerly awaiting Shanty's next 64-wheeler in anus joke. I'm over it. But if it works for you, I'm not one to discriminate.

Even against you.
