What does this mean for the country rj? Do the counter revolutionaries benefit?
There is no revolution, there's no counter revolution. It's all hardcore propaganda for a totalitarian military regime, the core came from the military and spread to all bodies of government. They use all the tools available to them, like the illusion of democracy and all the mumbo jumbo, to play the game of maintaining control.
There is no noble cause to help or improve the conditions of the poor, there is no development to advance the country. The exact opposite is what happened. In the '80s Venezuela used to be one of the best country in Latin America. The quality of life and standard of living was high, income was good, education, industry, everything, it used to be a very developed country.
Starting in 1990 the country suffered a series of economic crisis like the ones in Greece and Spain right now. In '92 with power in mind he attempted a coup d'etat and failed. He was jailed for 2 years. After release he went around the country and to other countries looking for support playing the full revolutionary angle already. The other countries bet on him and bankrolled his campaign to the presidency. Unemployment, inflation, it was a good combination to romanticize the poor and ignorant with the same bullshit repeated in all communist movements. He became the President in '98.
Forward to now the country is broken. It went from a struggling economy to close to anarchy. It is one of the most dangerous country in the world. For perspective, you hear how bad things are in Mexico with 20,000+ death, while there are unfortunate innocents in the cross fire most of those death are from active participants in the narco trade. Venezuela has a much worst count with almost all of them innocent civilians. I went to Caracas in '06 and that has been the only country that I have felt uneasy, out of control. It wasn't the landscape or poor areas, visually I was used to that, but there was this aura from the first day to the last. Although I'm always purposely paranoid, and aware of the surroundings everywhere, this was different. Hard to explain.
Three elements took control of the country, militias, cartels and military. With the rise of Chavez the military cadre extended to government at all levels rewarding all who sings the party line, they all live off of oil. The cartels were born out of the old Colombian posses, when the pressure got too much they all moved operations to the neighbor. Now all of the Colombian guerrilla dope gets handle by the Venezuelan heir cartels. The one that had the most effect on people are the militias, the government had no incentive to developed infrastructure and industry to have a functioning economic system as they are well off already, so shit broke down and gave rise to these mafia groups. These groups have rackets in almost all facets of society and are 100% present in all the cities and towns. Murder, rape, extortion, they use everything to terrorize, there are 100s of these groups. Now when all these elements cooperate and use their resources and power it's close to hell. Standard of living is worst than Afghanistan and this is Chavez's legacy.
The world came to know about Chavez with his revolution versus imperialist antics but it's all propagandist showmanship. There's nothing he loves more than the American Dollar. The U.S. was extremely concerned when he became a serious contender in the elections out of fear for the oil. They didn't know how much of a psycho he was and if he would change the flow up north. The CIA acted to derail his campaign. From this is that he took the stage and started spewing the anti-American stuff. It serves his purpose locally and regionally while the U.S. doesn't mind at all, they consider him one of America's best partners in this respect.
Chavez, the military, nor the government can control the militias or the cartels. They are too wide and powerful. In fact if it wasn't for the militias' support, who control the people at a local level, Chavez would lose his backbone. The illusion of democracy satisfies the U.S., the UN, France, and all the rest of the motherfuckers in the international community. So he needed the militias but they are liability to him. The truth is whatever outcome in the future the CIA gives it a low probably that oil exports will be altered negatively. What they don't like is the almost openly trade of narcotics coming out of the country. In an ideal world for the U.S. Chavez would be gone, new regime put in place, and the military cadre phased out.
So through the self-exiled Venezuela businessmen community in Miami the CIA bankrolls the opposition. They did a good job too, the elections in October were pretty close and the whole party infrastructure is in place. Come his death the Constitution says new elections, which the opposition would win easily. Chavez's boys fear this and have this past week ratify two different mandates where they can place two of their men into the presidency (you know just in case one "legally" fails they "constitutionally" place the other, lol). So yeah the opposition definitely benefits, if they ultimately don't get elections the CIA can instigate an Egypt-like revolt (for a true revolution, ironically). But this is not the U.S. priority and they can easily be satisfied with a proper agreement from the remaining folks, so it's a not a given.
Now for what would it mean for the region. They have for awhile been making alliances like the ALBA union and making friends by giving cheaper oil to Argentina for example. All mainly for political support to create regional power, but used also to funnel billions for personal gains. For Cuba it's going to be devastating, Cuba basically runs on everything Venezuela from imports of goods to economic aid. My prediction is that Raul finally opens it up to the U.S. and create a China-like state easing restrictions little by little in satisfaction to the United States. For a country like Nicaragua it's deeper impoverishment, most of the money they have given Nicaragua is in the form of loans and not aid, it's reported they are in the hook for $4 billion USD but in reality it's more like $10 billion. Once they come asking for their money back and the country can't pay, the IMF or other oh so generous banks will come writing a check, and we know all that does is make a country poorer. Same Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, it's going to be bad for all them. Cuba will once again be full of Americans. :(
Ernesto Guevara, Hugo Spadafora, Franciso Villa, Augusto Sandino were true revolutionaries. Hugo Chavez is a fraud, may he get analed by shanty's rod in hell.
Sorry for long, got carried away.