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How can you stay caught up with work if you take a 17 day vacation?

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seems as if, to some.........not being a pauper, is the new

"don't forget you are a pauper now"

if the pauper shoe fits, put the damn pauper shoe on your foot, walk around in them, and kick your damn pauper ass with your own goofy pauper shoe whilst ya at it..

mine is a bit snug on the pinky toes incidently
He should stay locked in the White House 24/7. Can't he just play Wii Fit?

he has no priorities until the shit hits the fan...why not get out there and fuck around :dunno:

the worst thing about this democrat president, is there is going to be another one.. this one a fucking broad who is even less qualified...more years of paying for lazy fucking beggars
Hillary won't win. She looks like the Cryptkeeper.

I get 12 days off. Ready for that shit.

Unfortunately, unless they are able to dig up mega dirt on her, she is an absolute lock to win the dem nom and will be about the closest thing to a lock to win pres since we have been born... People are fucking retards these days... I wish it weren't true, cougs
I can take as much time as I want. But since I'm hourly, every hour I don't work is money I don't get. Prob gonna take off 1/2 12/24, all 12/25 and 12/26. Back to work for 1/2 12/27 and a full on 12/28. Normal week New Years.

A coworker who heard my planned schedule told me that I should take more time and spend more with my family, he claimed "you only have so much time to spend with them." I said, "doesn't that apply to work too? You only have so much time to work hours."
RR gets it.

Murica needs a (real) third option.

Here's how I see this thing playing out. I don't actually think the Republicans have a good candidate right now, but don't think it matters and here's why. You've gotten:

8 years of Clinton (Lewinksy scandal at the end sealed it for GOP)
8 years of Bush (2nd term in general and housing crash sealed it for Dems)
8 years of Obama (his 2015 will be so horrible the GOP will be elected in 2016)

I just think they figured out a way to stay in power for 8 years, and don't see the 2 parties as all that different from each other anymore. The guys who actually control shit on both sides of the aisle are 2 sides of the same coin. They only jab at each other in the press to make it look like they are being true to the constituency. Behind closed doors these guys are drinking scotch and calling us what we are, pawns for not seeing through this shit.
They already have. They are the Democrat Light party.

The Tea Party Republicans are the only Conservatives around. You just have to look at the way they vote. It's real obvious which ones believe in the Constitution and which ones would rather burn it.