Swinger touted sure but he entertained as he did so. He crafted and created and the writing is what I respect. Telling a story even a bullshit story can be enjoyable if the writers takes the time to take you on a journey. These other guys just think typing in CAPS and going the cheap hype way is eye-catching. Well maybe to some but I appreciate the guy who puts more effort into telling the story than it takes me to read the story and every now and then there is a moral hidden insode as well.
Don't get me wrong, Swinger and I don't agree on everything. We disagree a great deal on SBR John. Swinger tends to worship or at the very least appreciate what Walker has created. Now that may be his actual feelings on the matter or it may be just an attempt to get in good in case any paying positions become available down the road. Me, I don't care much posing the front of respectability on the one side of the books and accepting advertisments nad other monies from those very same books. It seems to stress the ethics of it all.