Cali, do you want to be settled for or do you deserve to be desired?
If this guy ever comes around (which is highly doubtful) it will be because he's ran out of other options, or has gotten so old and tired that he just settles. I understand it's difficult, I understand it hurts like a bitch to truly love someone that much but it is a path of destruction emotionally speaking.
I can't stress to you enough that if it is as easy as you make it we don't ever really want it. There is a lack of respect when it is made too easy.
It's too late to flip the script on this guy and not call, not text and not answer when he GETS AROUND to calling you, that should have been done long ago. It's not too late to move on though.
You project confidence about most things not involving this guy and you seem to have a high opinion of yourself but you are doing yourself serious damage being his puppet.
I truly understand that the heart wants what it wants but sometimes the heart is an idiot.