Many quirks around here.
Robyn likes'm hairless or at least well trimmed.
Nina, has a toilet paper roll requirement.
Shari likes'm big.
Muddy, doesn't like spiders but does like frogs.
McBaseball is not MattyRain and vice versa.
MonkeyFocker and Mr. X are pros.
Mrs. X likes list but changes her mind all the time so if you end up on a certain list today cjhances are good that list won't count tomorrow unless you call her a militant lesbian.
Bread, well he's Bread.
Plommer likes everybody but sometimes has a funny way of showing.
Don't buy ANYTHING from PapasGeorge.
Cougar doesn't cook for us nearly as much as he does SBR.
Teela is all woman regardless of what you may have heard across the street.
Kato's a cool ass asian.
RJ is just chill.
Anbys angry a lot, a whole lot.
RayRay and Fischy are just cool mutha's.
mmike is a workers comp nightmare,
Blitty can't hold his liquor and ride the subway at the same time.