Its stright nicotine man. I smoked it for a few weeks and realized I was using it way more than regular cigarettes. There's no odor, so I would just lay in bed puffing on that thing all night, puff on it restaurants, wherever. It was easy to quit though once I decided to.
I went through a real health kick after that. Did p90x for like 9 weeks solid. Hardcore about it and eating right. I lost about 15 or 20 pounds and was pretty ripped. Wasn't drinking, smoking, or anything. Then I got burned out and went back to eating fast food every day, eventually started crushing liquor again, and now I'm back on cigarettes even. I've put on 20 lbs. since I quit the health kick. I'm still alright at like 175 so not too bad, but there's definitely some loose skin I'm getting sick of looking at again. Feel like im on the verge of another health binge.