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Got a question. Kinda techyish

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Yes but the packages sometimes require dependencies and yay takes care of that. Also, many of the packages I've used in debian/ubuntu distros are flaky compared to the arch versions. The only bad thing about arch compared to ubuntu/pop is the installation process. In pop its extremely easy. But after the install is where arch is best. IMO, WAL. The PoP package installer is not very good. It can be very slow and there are usually issues when adding ppa's etc. I'm not a command line junkie as I don't really like typing but its easy enough to keep a text file with a bunch of commands on it and just copy/paste what you need in to the terminal and hit enter. I now prefer using the command line for installing/removing programs as it works best. Especially for removing software, it never hangs or fails like the GUI software installers do.

I've installed arch once via the command line, slow as fuck and I don't see any reason to do an install via text. It should have a GUI.
Having said that there are scripts that make installing arch much faster/easier and I personally use archfi.

Yeah or the apt version is out of date, I only use it for a few packages

I use the hackish way of using Homebrew on linux, brew is a user run package manager for macos as there isn't any official one from Apple, packages are updated almost instantly as they point to the developer's Github/Gitlab source, the best thing is that if you use macos/linux you can mirror your setup on both instead of working on two different environments, it may not be the best recommended but it works for 99% of the packages

brew install mpv

Yes but the packages sometimes require dependencies and yay takes care of that.

The PoP package installer is not very good. It can be very slow and there are usually issues when adding ppa's etc.

Sometimes, the Pop Shop allows you to install the traditional deb package and the flatpak package. If you notice the deb are tiny, and the flatpak are huge. The flatpak version is usually slow to install as it comes with all the dependencies and it has to compile them all. Good because you can't accidentally uninstall a require dependency, bad because it's slow. I try to avoid flatpaks except for a few critical ones like keepassxc.

Never done Arch but I thought pacman was the primary manager?

pacman is the official arch way of doing things yes.

"yay" is an AUR helper. AUR = Arch User Repository
AUR helpers are not supported by Arch Linux.

AUR helpers automate usage of the Arch User Repository. In particular, they may automate the following tasks:

searching for packages published on the AUR;
resolving of dependencies between AUR packages;
retrieve and build AUR packages;
retrieve web content, such as user comments;
submission of AUR packages.

Pacman only handles updates for pre-built packages in its repositories. AUR packages are redistributed in form of PKGBUILDs and need an AUR helper to automate the re-build process. However, keep in mind that a rebuild of package may be required when its shared library dependencies are updated, not only when the package itself is updated.

For me yay makes everything easy on arch. For uninstalling programs I use pacman as it works extremely well but for installing its always yay.

Screenshot from 2021-03-03 19-04-06.png
Ok, so I'm finally sorted. I now have a dual boot setup I no longer have to fuck with.

Main OS is Ubuntu (Linux). 90% of my computer use is with Linux. The remaining 10% on Windows. Mainly for light gaming and poker.

I've succeeded at installing Arch Linux by command line ( was on my bucket list) and hopped around from Pop OS, Arch and Manjaro before finally returning to where it all started. Ubuntu.

Oh and I'm 99% certain I'll be a GNOME/user fan forever.

PS: Edge/Firefox/Chrome browsers on Windows and Firefox/Chrome/Brave on Linux, all are synced with each other.

I store all data/documents on high speed usb3.0 flash drives and NOT my 240GB SSD so it can be read/written to by either OS and is always up to date and takes up no space on the internal drive. Smart.
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Me too, I don't want mess with other guis or even modify gnome much
Even when I distro hopped - Arch/Debian/PopOS/Manjaro I always used Gnome. Now I'm so familiar with it and know the shortcuts and tweaks I don't want to use any other desktop environment.

This site is tremendous and one of the reasons I love Gnome.

Screenshot from 2021-03-30 22-27-07.png
What are you using for the minimize and maximize of windows? default is only "close" and I have always left it that way

dock in the bottom looks nice
Gnome Tweaks is what you need.

Navigate to => Window Titlebars =>Titlebar Buttons => then slide the toggle bar on the "maximize" & "minimize".


You can install Gnome Tweaks in POP OS from the "Pop Shop".


Bottom dock is "dash to dock".
Did it, thanks!

In my userChrome.css I have this neat little hack that adds a number count to each tab, makes switching with Alt + # between tabs easy as eyes just scan for the number instead of figuring out which tab is which number


tabs {
  counter-reset: tab-counter;

tab:nth-child(1) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(2) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(3) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(4) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(5) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(6) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(7) .tab-label::before,
tab:nth-child(8) .tab-label::before {
  counter-increment: tab-counter;
  content: counter(tab-counter) "";
  position: relative;
  top: -0.1rem;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #feee9e;