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Got a question. Kinda techyish

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Okay so here's the deal. I was using Kaspersky anti-virus and it expired and now I am switching to the one RJ very kindly gave me, ESET security.

I have attempted to eradicate all the Kaspersky program - and I thought I was successful - except I keep getting these annoying TLS handshake pauses. When I attempt to open up a website - even ones I use quite often - it sometimes has this long wait while it does whatever security thing it does.

I assumed that ESET was doing the same thing as Kaspersky - like maybe that was a standard security thing these days - but RJ, I believe you indicated that ESET doesn't do that.

So I guess that means there is still some remnant of Kaspersky behind the scenes ????

When I open "all programs" there is nothing Kaspersky there BUT when I go into uninstall programs - there is one Kaspersky thing there. AND it won't let me uninstall it because it says there are updates in progress. No matter when I try it - updates in progress. I also can't figure out how to just open it - and maybe change settings?? - (because it is nowhere in my program list)

Any thoughts on this shit?
As safekeep antivirus apps make it hard to uninstall, to make sure viruses don't attempt to uninstall them

You need a Kaspersky provided uninstaller, kavremvr.exe you can download it here: https://support.kaspersky.com/1464

It's just a program with a captcha thingy to prove you're a human and not a bad bot virus

Seems to have worked. I don't know why anyone purposely signs up for those TLS handshakes to begin with - fuck those.

But I ain't seem to got them no more.
Actually no. I am still getting some of those TLS handshakes. Not as many - not for the sites like gamelive I go to all the time - but I've had a few in the last little bit.

There is no sign of anything Kaspersky anywhere - not that I can see.

Maybe another reboot will make a difference??

uBlock Origin muddy, it's different than the ublock above, the one above was started by the ublock origin guy but stolen from him by another developer, so he later started ublock origin

that ublock above was later sold to the same company that runs adblock and adblock plus, they work with advertisers to allow "acceptable ads" through, other ads they merely hide them from view while still allowing all the tracking junk from ad networks to profile you, ublock origin blocks all that from even loading and is open source non profit


my $80 logitech mechanical keyboard is now completely fucked. this piece of shit never worked as good as some of the $10 keyboards I've had over the years.

It doubles the "n" or sometimes triples when I press the "n" key once. the $ above the 4 requires multiple attempts. the "0" often skips -or doesn't work.

9 repeats, etc etc. I cant wait to smash this cocksucker to pieces when my new keyboard gets delivered.