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Good morning Gamelive

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The drinking has to be cut back on again is pretty much where it begins and ends. I don't know that it will though. Beautiful bottle of rum. Very enjoyable.

As I posted I watched "World's Greatest Dad" courtesy of the Gamelive movie thread. I repeat this is a brilliant film that exceeded any expectations in every way. I also want to note that I went into it with pretty low expectations being that I have felt that Robin Williams has spread himself way too thin over the last decade and that Bobcat Goldthwait is a dumb ass from the Police Academy movies (although his rendition of U2's With or Without You video is still epic to this day).

Got good grades in my email today which I will appreciate once I feel anything but hungover and sick. Does this guy not know that I don't read the text and am bullshitting my way through his entire course? Who cares, I guess. It's a good thing and leave it alone.

Need some fucking AC in here. Brutal. Gamelive I request that you provide me that as well, and I'm not talking in a month when the heat has died down I'm talking within 72 hours. Thanks in advance. so you have 2 immediate tasks Gamelive - 1) Fix my car 2) Provide me with AC. Again thanks in advance.

Got some decent rapport going with the locals I think. It helps because when you are in a little town their loyalty and respect comes into play in my opinion whether you like it or not.

Of note:

-Some light BS with the liquor store lady. We do both have preconceived notions about each other I would say but it will work.

-The guy at the pizza shop actually remembered and reminded ME to put hot shaker pepper on my pizza which we talked about on the phone briefly. That I respect. I know many would think couldn't he just do it for me, but I respect the fact that this way I can put on the exact amount that I want. Well done guy.

-Dollar General. Love the concept, going well so far. Yes the good shit will cost you much more than a dollar. There is at least one person there who hates some people I am cutting ties with and I am hoping that does not affect my shopping experiences there based on my past affiliation with them. It might though, we will see; I won't go into the logistics. I think I should have an unaffected experience there any time I want I didn't do anything to anyone there.

Been debating some strange. Be it that those that I was affiliated would surely almost immediately find out about it it would be a bold move. At the same time, I want to have sex. Go figure. WTF

A couple brutal turn down calls to make today. One family told me they would put me in their will if I could get their loan done. What they could have told me is that they received an FHA hardship mortgage which I can't work with. We found out and now it's done. I mean come on.

2nd is a guy who should be getting a massive reduction based on his credit but cosigned on a $5k lawnmower for his daughter and she likes to let her payments on that go 2 and 3 months late at a time. He didn't pay May's mortgage on time. Deal killer. Sucks.

This heat is shit. Can't wait for my Gamelive AC unit you guys are the best.

Be good today.

you know that won't happen..hahaha. You can have Marc Andre Fleury....I freakin hate him.

Of course and why should it happen. Good enough roster to be on the cusp of winning a cup with no names in goal - why complete it? Would be too easy I guess.

Trust me I would take Balki in orange and black any day of the week. He can be freakishly good imo, though shitting the bed against Montreal was pretty epic - you have my sympathy there lol.
Of course and why should it happen. Good enough roster to be on the cusp of winning a cup with no names in goal - why complete it? Would be too easy I guess.

Trust me I would take Balki in orange and black any day of the week. He can be freakishly good imo, though shitting the bed against Montreal was pretty epic - you have my sympathy there lol.

He definitely can be freakishly good but for the most part he is average at best...I would rather take someone that is consistent over that any day..especially with a roster like the Pens have. I know some teams need a goalie that gets hot to make runs but you know the Pens are going to score goals.
He definitely can be freakishly good but for the most part he is average at best...I would rather take someone that is consistent over that any day..especially with a roster like the Pens have. I know some teams need a goalie that gets hot to make runs but you know the Pens are going to score goals.

Would you rather have him or Michael Leighton?
7.15 (evening)

No the updates won't go twice a day. I decided to make evening updates for multiple reasons. The recap format which was suggested (nice one) among others.

I have been debating if a cougar is the answer here for multliple reasons. I crunched this with a good buddy and we came to this conclusion. I'll get back to that at some point.

Going to pick up some Velarium route and the exercise is going well. I have fallen into a habit of getting drunk and lifting weights. I once had a dude tell me this is bad for you cardiovascular system. Can anyone confirm this to be true or untrue?

Chicken breast for Dinner, some BBQ sauce. Enjoyable with the rum and beer.

I mean shit when you get out of jail (my relationship with my ex) WTf isn't enjoyable anymore? There's a concept some people are big on. I think it's referred to as "Freedom". I'm becoming a big fan.

Looking for a decent portable washer dryer system. No W/D here and sitting in a laundromat would be...humbling, not to offend anyone.

Watched the finale of Last Comic Standing on demand. That black guy was funny.

Picked up with a couple of old buddies today which is cool. One signed up for the army. I told him to enjoy giving bjs to superiors and cleaning toilets, and that I thought what he is doing is extremely admirable and that I 100% respect him for is as I have nothing else he has done; except that he bangs really hot girls. Still don't know how he does that. I'm worried about his transition though. I hope it goes well but I don't anticipate it will.

Firing up World's Greatest Dad again (very rare that I watch movies twice) to see if it is good as I originally thought. 2nd viewing judgements for movies in my opinion are huge. That one line toward the end of the movie was just so huge and hit home with me so hard.

Be good Gamelive.
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Pretty crazy day as far as developments either way. Long ass day of work and school along with the following:

-Confirmed the IRS isn't looking for me as per my not going to be arrested thread. Like this a lot. The logistics of all the work that will have to be done to get caught will suck major donkey dick. Better than prison though I'd say.

-Italian place across the way hitting on all cylinders. Landlord recommended asking them to walk things over since I'm right across the street; saves time and when you are a bachelor who works or has school all the time nice to not feel like a doof in shitty clothes walking into a nice restaurant. I did and they did. Pow.

-A couple of appraisals ordered for clients. This is always good.

-Was able to cancel Comcast appointment my shit started working right on it's own. Good, a 3rd person out here within 1 week of moving in would have been ridiculous.

-Porn on the new internet streams flawlessly. Being able to have it at the volume I want with no care in the world is priceless. Might have to try surround sound porn just to say I did.

Always negatives I guess.

-Found out from school that I need another class to get the Web Design certification. I was clearly told before that I was done after this semester. Was not a fun conversation for me or any of the 6 people who transferred me in a circle. I mean get your shit together I have a possible job lined up assholes. Also I have to pay more money to get the cert as well. WTF is that. Fuckers angleshot me and now I'm stuck and have to. Well played douches.

-Stumbled into my desktop (while perfectly sober) and knocked the front cover off it, it just keeps beeping now and doesn't do anything. I can't see that wires are undone or whatever. I dont; care much about it being working because since it's from like 2002 and pretty useless; I only have it there to base my network on so that the laptops are wireless, but if the network goes down that means I'll have to make a laptop the host which would be shitty.

I hate to do it but I have to elaborate here. I don't have any tables here because the 3 I own are in the home I was going to move into with my ex so its fucking boxes, thus the desktop on the floor enabling me to stumble into it. What would Worm say about that. "The fucking RAKE".

-My one buddy put $1k on the Phils. I told him it was a forced bet and that today was a shitty board.

-A little chest discomfort here and there. I get it when I'm extremely stressed. Been checked out before for it my ticker is fine it's just stress related and pushing things too far. The heat isn't helping, need fucking AC in here.

-Had to shed light on my boss's email being hacked. He's an awesome guy, this sucked.

Popped in Extract. Milah Kunis is hot. Seems like mindless fun. LMAO Affleck's character WTF.

Be good degens.