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go wall street protest

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fine, but benefits that come from the research should be property of the public not elites who want to bury the public.
I'm not talking very radical stuff here. I think protesters are basically demanding basic rights that are available in most CAPITALIST countries.

Some of the demands on the given list (I'm sure there's no official list) may be a little pie in the sky, but I'm amazed at the reaction it is getting here. Basic human decency is an outrage that should be fought against. I guess we still have a long way to go. Too many years of indoctrination.

But what is so offensive here? An ability to make a living, access to medicine, preserving environment? I don't care about education, but If you want knowledgeable people to put into whatever jobs, you're gonna have to teach them. And you shouldn't require them to get indebted. How's indentured servitude ok?

You're failing to see the benefits that come by way of making those advances private sector. Not only does it spur more jobs but it pumps more money into the economy which fuels more job creation and taxes for those social programs that you want passed. It's not as simple as mandating things. It just isn't. If you mandate those things in their list, the economy is torn to shreads. Then people REALLY suffer.

You can't just offer that shit for free. There's a cost to it and no small one either. So where does the money come from? The country is already in debt up to its eyeballs. And like I said previously, if you take it out on the rich, they take their business elsewhere. There is a fine line there. There is no simple solution.
government has plenty of money, as witnessed by the bailouts. The debt problem is mostly a red herring used to get the public to accept more and more austerity measures. Instead of handing money over to private hands, same money can easily be invested in the public sector which would create meaningful jobs, wealth among the public, and build, create things that are actually needed by the community. Instead having community interest being a possible back product of enriching elites.
government has plenty of money, as witnessed by the bailouts. The debt problem is mostly a red herring used to get the public to accept more and more austerity measures. Instead of handing money over to private hands, same money can easily be invested in the public sector which would create meaningful jobs, wealth among the public, and build, create things that are actually needed by the community. Instead having community interest being a possible back product of enriching elites.

Reno, the bailouts put us under enormous economic strain. THAT'S why we're in debt. That money is not free. And you cannot default on those loans. That's not only completely irresponsible, but SIGNIFICANTLY effects our economy. Do you have any idea what that does to home mortgage rates and other private sector loans?

Of course that money WOULD have been better used. But that time is long gone. We have to deal with NOW. Not with what SHOULD have been.
same money can easily be invested in the public sector which would create meaningful jobs

Ugh. Up here the public sector is the main culprit when it comes to creating jobs that are grossly overpaid for the value that they actually provide. The public sector has zero incentive to provide value. It's all about spending, protecting and growing by all means possible their acquired share of taxpayers money. Fokken public jobs here are paid roughly 50% above market rates. Just cause they fokken can.

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I can't give you a play by play because i'm not there all the time. I WAS there on tuesday and after thier planned demonstration that day the students were in bed and the core ~100 or so were the only folks to be seen.

At least i've seen it in person. Have you? Nope just keep believing what the media (even if its your trusted outlet) tells you.
government has plenty of money, as witnessed by the bailouts. The debt problem is mostly a red herring used to get the public to accept more and more austerity measures. Instead of handing money over to private hands, same money can easily be invested in the public sector which would create meaningful jobs, wealth among the public, and build, create things that are actually needed by the community. Instead having community interest being a possible back product of enriching elites.

Didn't the government borrow all that money? We have to pay that back you know. If less tax money is coming in (property tax, income tax) because the jobs are leaving the country, how do we pay these off?
Oh please. It's so easy for you to preach online about the significance, the public outcry, and the new open and clearer discourse. But the fact of the matter is that this "protest" is not going anywhere and we all know it. Despite your obvious (and it appears honest) belief that this is the real deal you would never be motivated to action.

Seems to me the most meaningful American protest in my lifetime.
If you honestly believe this, wouldn't you board a plane for here tomorrow? I will even throw $50 for your plane ticket. You could stay on my couch (though you would clearly want to camp out for the cause). Seriously, if this is so meaninful, 30-40-50 years (how ever old you are) meaninful show us with your actions.

I'm not attacking your view or even the protester's views, though I do generally disagree. Everyone is entitled to present their views, online or in a peaceful movement on the street, i support that. I am simply calling into question the perception (read: your perception) that this thing is anything more than just a bunch of young people with nothing to do. If you want to keep claiming that there is anything significant about this because of something you read online and some photo you saw that grossly misrepresents the physicallity of this thing, go ahead. But atleast allow me to point out the hypocracy in it.

I for one can't wait for the first frost so these fucks are forced to retreat to mummy and daddy's warm home in Connecticut, at least that way I can get to work on time.
Boner :up: I appreciate your post. I do. And I admit I don't know much about the actual movements and look of the protesters. Perhaps they aren't very appealing. What is important is that this protest focuses on the business end of politics, the important end. Plus it is not a one day event, but an ongoing thing. This will serve to keep the debate where it belongs. It has potential to grow.

In no other protest have I seen business linked with government in this way. Finally, the people are saying we know how the system works and who's responsible. We're not gonna get side tracked by political candidates, elections, abortion, gay marriage, or other irrelevant shit you try to get us to debate.
My brother's hedge fund is located in the Chicago Board of Trade building and he said that there is a group of protesters out there too. I guess they have signs saying, "We are the 99%" and one of the funds put up a huge sign saying "We are the 1%." LOL.

He said they're all a bunch of dirty hippies.

This is what represents you, Reno: