mrsx wasn't it really cold on Saturday night?
It was cold every night! When I talked to you, I thought I was sober, but I think the expensive tic tacs did something....maybe.
Glad to hear I got a wowWOW when Robyn informed you of the saucy pics. Finally I think I might have a cute enough pic with side boob I'd be proud to post on gamelive. Mr. X got photographed too. No side boob for him though.
Bread scared the crap out of me when he thought we were tricky spirits. He told me later that I was freaking him out because I wasn't saying anything. Sometimes I'm quiet in person. I like to type, talking trips me up.
The coffee house camp (big tent with couches and industrial coffee makers) was where most of it went down. We were trying to get him to leave with us and go to the Chill tent. He wouldn't, obviously because we were tricky spirits trying to trick him. We tried to all pull him off the couch, but damn, that guy is physically dense. Finally when he agreed to go and we chilled in the chill tent for awhile, he somewhat snapped back to reality and the first thing he said was "Fucking Dave Matthews for three hours! Couldn't you have put on something else?"
The people that made the coffeehouse tent had a cd playing Dave Matthews on repeat. It was so out of place and bizarre to have that playing. There's so many kinds of techno variants coming from all sides of the camp, with heavy base and crazy gypsy, punks dancing around with feathers, fire and animal costumes....and then....Dave Matthews circa 1995 on repeat. We were stuck there on the couch with a guy that was convinced that we were orchestrating his demise. I don't know if it translates but I still laugh a little when I think about it.
Also at one point, Bread was clammed up on the couch, and we were talking about the bread sign that he was wearing around his neck. I think Mr. X said (referring to the sign) awesome. Bread sat up and said loudly, "Thank you very much" and then slouched down again. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.
The glowing badminton court was a big hit. It was fun to lay in the chill tent and watch random groups of people wander by and pick up rackets and play. Alot of people complimented Mr. X and said it was lots of fun. The first incarnation of it was pretty good, but I think he's going to change it to phosphorescent paint with black lights. This leaves me alot of EL wire to make some great signs. I have visions of a two foot 3-D birdie with light up flames coming off the end. We've got some time, Burning Man is in August, and the next Burn weekend in Tampa is in April.
We never did get around to the big grudge match, but played for fun and got a few birdies stuck in the trees.
I'm really glad we went. Bread and Robyn are fantastic and New Orleans is going to be a blast.