Hooligans Sportsbook

Gamelive MLB Contest

I am right on the verge of just picking every game and total - full games and ff - with variations - like 8-9 picks per game - until I either have an amazing run and get back in the contest or, more likely, totally sink. At which point I will just concede.

I have too many distractions in my life right now including this contest.

I realize I am not out of it by any means. It's a long season and there is plenty of time to just settle down and analyze things like I did once-upon-a-time, and grind back into it.

But I'm not feeling patient and I think a full-scale kamikaze attack might be kind of fun anyway.

A reasonable question might be: really? You have been putting time into it up until now? To come up with those picks and those results?

Yes, actually. Not tons and tons but some.
Who me?

Unless I'm forgetting something, I haven't placed a bet on anything for . . . I dunno . . . a couple years? Other than a free account someone gave me which I had going for a while - and putting up the money for this contest. Ehh, I'm probably forgetting something but whatever - betting has nothing to do with my current money.

I am living off my wealth.

However I have taken the first steps towards getting a regular job again.
Yes it appears to be another disaster day-in-progress for me today so I think I'm just going to go hog wild starting tomorrow. I mean like, what the hell?

Hog wild. Kamikaze style.

My apologies to my fellow players for the mess I am about to create. Good news is, it probably won't last long.
Muddy I'm sad to see that you just can't take the heat that a professional Gamelive contest brings. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but in the end, it's your life, your legacy.

gregms wednesday results. I think I lost about 16-17 units yesterday. sizzling.


Mariners -1 -130
Mariners -178
Dodgers -1 -150
Dodgers -210

dodgers/padres o6.5 -125
Red sox -128
Reds -1 -119
Reds tt o4.5 -125
Nationals -1 -107
tigers -1 +105
Cardinals -138
Cardinals -1 +113
Orioles -1 -125
Orioles -149

I am going to be in a living in a downtown hotel or maybe move into my storage unit if this continues. storage unit pretty large, no air, but does have a port a potty on the grounds.
