I would like to take a moment to opine on the talented Mrs. X. Before doing so, I feel it necessary to state two things for the perverted and/or irritable gentlemen of gamelive.com: 1.) I am not a lesbian, so calm your hormone storms and 2.) I rarely, if ever, partake in
serious Internet flirts. If improperly executed, serious Internet flirts are weird and tend to make everyone else a little uncomfortable (this also serves as a public service announcement to some of you).
Mrs. X, it was pretty clear from day one that you are pretty neat. However, Front Door volumes I - V have solidified the deal for me. You not only have an incredible ability to express your thoughts and sense of humor in writing, you are also absolutely adorable on camera. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
p.s. if this post comes off as weird or makes anyone uncomfortable, blame it on the 0 hours of sleep last night as well as the 4 hours of sleep the night before. And also, the vodka red bull I am currently drinking to stay awake.
p.p.s. reno cool, you are not being overlooked. You have a very nice guitar and an amazing head of hair.
Ok, thanks for listening!