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Face Blindness

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Was it Tony Blair by any chance? I said before I recognized them all instantly but on further reflection I did have a moment with Tony Blair of, is that Donny Osmond?

Actually yeah, I hesitated a bit at Tony Blair too - his pic was a bit more nondescript than what you usually see on TV or in the papers.

But I froze for a while in front of Nixon cause I tend to confuse presidential faces.
I also think I went with Oprah several times, one of which was correct.

I assume that you guessed Oprah for Condoleeza. I remember IDing Condi by her large, crooked front teeth. Maybe you're wired to look at the head shape or facial expression or whatever else that's not details/distinctive features.

(FWIW MrX, I got the same problem as you when looking for something specific that is staring me in the face - I waste more time than I care to admit looking for my sunglasses, almost every day, and I always end up finding them in a very obvious location. I don't know where that defect comes from. It amuses people.)
I would've missed her had she not followed Tony Blair. It made recognizing her a lot easier.

Good point. Relating things together is a good method. That's how I remember most of everything. Let me give you an example.

I'm trying to remember the name of this girl but I can't to save my life. So I think of something that's fresh in my mind, like what I ate today for lunch (pizza) or the last place I was at (Italy), both of those are kind of correlated. So out of the thought of "Italy", I think of the south and of "Sicily". Sicily is associated with this mafia movie bullshit, that brings the thought of a "Mafia Don". Don reminds me of Argentina, and the Argentine music group the sings a song called "Don" which is "Miranda". Miranda is the name of the girl I was trying to remember. Now all this, most of the time, happens in seconds. I stumble many times or hit a "road block" and have to start over. I use geography a lot to associate things. Weird and not usual, I guess.

I got 100% but almost stumbled on Patrick Stewart and Tony Blair. That Blair picture must be from 10 years ago because he sure doesn't look as smooth and shiny now.

If it makes you feel a bit better Mr X, I never realised until taking this quiz how much Bill Clinton resembles Elvis. At least to me.
I have a much harder time recognizing faces out of the context in which I originally see them. If I'm at work and meet someone, I have a harder time recognizing them later on, in a store, for example. I'm notoriously horrible at not being able to recognize people from photographs. I had to meet a "higher up" at work and had only seen pictures. I had no clue who they were when they walked in the building.
97% Missed Blair too.

I recently heard about this condition too Mr. X. I thought I heard that it could be genetic.

Don't worry about it. Mrs. X is probably right in that you are especially gifted in areas that others are not. Yin Yang thang.
This thread really makes you stop and think about stuff like the reliability of eyewitness testimony in court cases. As someone who has good recognition, I tend to assume everyone is in the same boat and sees the world the same - and therefore eyewitness testimony should be pretty reliable. But it's really not. This thread is only one small demonstration but I saw an expose about it recently. It is shocking how unreliable eyewitnesses can be depending on how they are presented with a photo or live line-up.
This thread really makes you stop and think about stuff like the reliability of eyewitness testimony in court cases. As someone who has good recognition, I tend to assume everyone is in the same boat and sees the world the same - and therefore eyewitness testimony should be pretty reliable. But it's really not. This thread is only one small demonstration but I saw an expose about it recently. It is shocking how unreliable eyewitnesses can be depending on how they are presented with a photo or live line-up.

Muddy, a few people always commented on my memory, which is exceedingly good, except for 1 areas..... putting a name to a face...... I can sit there and go he looks so familiar and have no clue who he is.......
(FWIW MrX, I got the same problem as you when looking for something specific that is staring me in the face - I waste more time than I care to admit looking for my sunglasses, almost every day, and I always end up finding them in a very obvious location. I don't know where that defect comes from. It amuses people.)

Ask Mr. X how many times I've walked around with a pair of sunglasses on my eyes and another pair on my head. It's many. I'm terrible at keeping track of sunglasses. This is why I have at least four cheap pairs lying around at all times. I'm pretty good at keeping track of things save for sunglasses and sometimes my wallet/drivers license.