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Even worse than a dog killer...Mike Vick was a LAZY dog killer!!!

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Current Corpse
Jan 20, 2010


There are a lot of Atlanta Falcons fans who still love Michael Vick(notes), and will always love Michael Vick. Why this is so, I'm not entirely sure, because it seems like with each passing day, Michael Vick makes a new effort to let the people at Atlanta know that he played them for chumps, every single step of the way.

First, while he was supposed to be saving the franchise and leading them to the promised land, he was also busy unleashing a holy war on the puppies of the area.

That's a crime, of course, and it cost him a good portion of his football career and ended his stay with the Falcons. If you want to stick by Vick's side through that, that's fine. I get it. He's a man, he made a mistake, and he deserves forgiveness. As long as he's dedicated to the home team, we can forgive a human foible and move on, right?

Well, what if, at the same time, he didn't give a damn about the home team, either?

Vick told 790 AM The Zone in Atlanta that while he played for the Falcons, he wasn't giving 100%. Now, I'm sure a lot of people already had a hunch that Vick didn't get the most out of his abilities, but hearing him admit is another thing. Vick openly admits that he wasn't anywhere near the quarterback he should have been. From AJC.com:

"There was a lot more I could have done off the field and in the film room that could have elevated my game to a different level," Vick said. "I was complacent at the time, somewhat lazy, and I settled for mediocrity. I thought what I was doing was enough."

"Just imagine what I could have been doing if I really would have been applying myself. That's a regret I have."

Now, there are a real crimes, and there are crimes against sports. Obviously, real crimes are worse.

But crimes against sports can be funny things. In a way, they're a bigger betrayal, because when we care so much and invest so much energy in our favorite players in teams, it can hurt to know that they didn't care even as much as you did.

Take Pete Rose, for example. His major offense in life was a crime against sports. He bet on baseball. Yet, he's barred from the game, he's become a joke and he's basically a sports pariah. And yet, how many wife beaters and guys with multiple DUIs -- real crimes that are clearly worse -- take the field with no real consequences, day in and day out?

This newest Vick crime, the one against sports, is a serious one, because he's gotten some insane amounts of unconditional love from the people of Atlanta, and what did he give them in return? Was he a model citizen and pillar of the community? No. Did he bust his hump to help the Falcons and work hard to be the best player he could be? Nope. He just admitted as much.

It seems like the love in that relationship has only gone one way. They loved Vick, and in return, he took their money, he took their cheers on Sunday, and he spit in their faces. Not just by his off-field activities, but by not caring about the game, either.
I think he just had a lot of time to reflect on what he had done with his life while he was in the pen. Isn't that natural? I'm actually more impressed that he's willing to publicly admit his shortcomings. It means he's starting to get it.
free pete rose!!!

I was just ready to come down on Vick, but Monkey you make alot of sense! Being up here in Philly he has been complete good guy and most of us (including myself) think maybe it's an act? Maybe it's not! I have a gut hunch that Kobb and Vick will be with the Eagles next year and McNabb will be sent packing? Love to see if Kobb throwing passes to receivers like Jackson and Macklin can make a differnce in the WC offense?
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Vick is garbage, plain and simple. Amazing how such a douche can still make millions in this world half-assing it.

Question about Pete Rose, I always wanted to know this -

DID HE EVER BET ON HIS TEAM TO LOSE (while playing or managing)

Even though it's kind of fucked up if he bet on them to win while he was on or in charge of them, to me it's still not half as bad as if he bet on them to lose, obviously because he can take part in the outcome.

Was it ever determined?
Vick is garbage, plain and simple. Amazing how such a douche can still make millions in this world half-assing it.

Question about Pete Rose, I always wanted to know this -

DID HE EVER BET ON HIS TEAM TO LOSE (while playing or managing)

Even though it's kind of fucked up if he bet on them to win while he was on or in charge of them, to me it's still not half as bad as if he bet on them to lose, obviously because he can take part in the outcome.

Was it ever determined?

I believe they said no he never bet on them to lose, only to win.
I believe they said no he never bet on them to lose, only to win.

Agree! If I had any inclination he bet them to lose, I would say fuk the bastard! But I saw this guy play all the time as a kid and never saw any body play as hard as him! Was payed handsomely to play baseball so don't think he was in the hole to pay off the man as much as being a degen gambler who is extremely competitive!:yes:
I supported Rose for a long time. After watching the movie about him on espn (money was an issue), hearing about his book, and seeing him hanging around the forum shops selling autographs, I came to the conclusion he's a real low life. I'd have more respect for someone who has less dedication to the sport, but tries to be honest and grow as a person.