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Don't listen to Gaga but she does crack me up

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Jan 30, 2010
I don't find her attractive in the slightest with that face and her music does not do it for me but she does do and say some epic shit.
I love this quote, what a role model to teenagers across the world:

"I am on the drunk diet," she told listeners on a recent episode of the "Morning Mashup" show. "I live my life as I want to, and creatively. I like to drink whiskey and stuff while I am working."

Thumbs up.
I think she's very sexy in a slightly weird kind of way. But I'm weird like that. Great voice/songwriter too as far as I'm concerned. With that said, I don't like the new single. I feel a sophomore slump headed our way.
I am generally impressed with what she has done.

It may not be what I personally am interested in but I can recognize and appreciate someone who is very good at what they do. She is the top of the game in terms of image-selling. I get tired just thinking of all the effort that goes into what she is going to wear. I don't care about that stuff - but it is obviously working for her. Her whole thing is working for her.

And her music is okay. I am not a big pop music guy but from what I have heard, hers is some of the best these days.

I do find her sexy.
Lady Gaga is one good coke bender away from becoming this.

uncomfortable confession. I listen to and enjoy Gaga's songs.

Bieber's too.

Why on earth would these be put in the same post?

Lady Gaga's music, in its genre anyway, is great. No shame at all in listening to her stuff.

Listening to Bieber if you are anything but a 10-13 year old girl is EXTREMELY embarrassing. Monumental differences here.