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Does anyone watch Jeopardy?

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I don't watch Jeopardy with my girlfriend. I don't watch Jeopardy with anyone. My skillz are too devastating for anyone else to witness.

With the gf, it is almost always movies.

Don't DVR's have flashdrives? Can't you simply put it on a stick and watch it elsewhere?
Christmas is right around the corner Muddy, girlfreind gets a new DVR and you get" happy happy joy joy sex cause this is better than a kitchen appliance" sex as your reward.

Now this is a reasonable helpful post. That is something that should address my needs. Under current circumstances, a VCR meets my needs much better than a DVR but with this flashdrive option, that probably would be better.

This is the first I heard of it.

I think that champion guy you are talking about just lost to a girl. The weird thing is that she is a sports writer, and the final jeopardy category was Sports & The Media. However, it was the easiest question ever - "Headline in this city on Feb. 8, 2010 saying Finally we have waited 43 years" or something like that. Obviously about the Super Bowl, so it was New Orleans. The champ guy guessed Chicago. The girl sports writer obviously knew and won the game.

Is it possible that the category was rigged? What are the odds?
It was a very surprising finish. The guy seemed to be reasonably good at sports during his run on the show. But he gagged on that one.

It's not unusual for categories to come up that relate directly to people's jobs or specialties or home states or whatever. It is bound to happen and it's random. The idea of it being rigged doesn't make any sense. If Jeopardy was rigging anything it would be to have the champ keep winning. Jeopardy loved the publicity and ratings that came with (72 game champ) Ken Jennings. They basically created their Million Dollar Ultimate Tournament of Champions just as an excuse to have him back after his run was over. They love a guy who makes big bets on Daily Doubles like Roger Craig.

If anything, having such an easy Final Jeopardy greatly favors whoever is leading going in - which he had been in every game he had played. But I guess that question wasn't as easy for everyone as it seems to us. Only one of the 3 players got it.

I was shocked. But sometimes the question are just going to land on a gap in your knowledge. He is still one of the best players I have ever seen. He holds the one game money record and is #3 for all-time winnings on regular shows. He'll be back for the tournament of champions.
Going to revive this thread.

I am addicted to Jeopardy now. College Tournament is going on, and to me it seems like the clues are even easier than the normal shows, which is weird because you'd think these college nerds are way smarter than your average contestant, but who knows.

I always find myself rooting for a particular contestant. I dislike the current champion who will return after the college tournament.
I don't know that the college tournament has easier questions but they often have a slightly different, younger focus. So that probably means easier for you Herman than regular Jeopardy which will delve more regularly into stuff from the 70's and before.

The winner of the college tournament gets invited to the Tournament of Champions at the end of the year. They don't tend to do well. I don't recall a college player ever winning. They're not hopeless and I remember 1 or 2 making it to the final 3 but that's it.