There is no way that you could go back and find a post where this actually upset me. It doesn't. Hunting doesn't, eating animals doesn't. Factory farming is a very specific issue that upsets me.
Mostly I'm not angry upset, I'm sad upset. It's disappointing that you can't be the same person when you type as you are in person. It's unfortunate that instead of making friends, you choose to be argumentative and inflammatory for fun and sport instead of getting to know people. You think the internet is a stupid way to make friends. Most of my closest friends today have developed because of the internet, and I'm not talking about gamelive. If it weren't for the internet I wouldn't have married Mr. X. I have six band members from Portland that are going to stay at my house and cook me breakfast tomorrow morning because of the internet. It's beyond me as to why you would choose to use this awesome tool for communication to fling verbal poo around and be a jack off because you find it amusing.
Words mean things. This is something I live by, and it's pretty serious to me. Obviously you don't feel the same way. You find all this hilarious, have at it. Who cares. Whateva' man.