Hooligans Sportsbook

Do you buy lottery tickets?


Jan 27, 2010
I used to buy them like clockwork for years. Lotto 6/49, two quickpicks, twice a week. Then a few years back they doubled the price from one dollar and two and I just stopped dead. I don't know why; it's not like I am bothered by the dollar. It just threw off my rhythm and I never got it back.

I think I want to get back in the habit of buying lottery tickets. I don't want to become one of these people I see who spend a hundred dollars at a time and gum up the line at the convenience and act like they are doing something strategic.

But a couple numbers - why not?
Some fucking pro.

Muddaaaay! When you mention stuff like this it makes you look like a rookie.

Common pal.

PS: I'll play $4 worth when the jackpots are $50 million in Lotto Max. Tax free is nice too.
I've bought less than $100's worth of lottery tickets my entire life. I waste so much money it makes no sense I'm not buying them though. I'm not a lucky person but the "Do The Right Thing" concept of building the pot higher for those that do win seems reason enough.
I was talking to one of my buddies last night who said he had won the lottery. He had actually won 20 bucks and was joking around but we talked about lottos a bit more and he commented how he would give me some money if he won the big one. I don't doubt his sincerity. I'm sure my dad and sister who have been regular players forever would also shoot me some cash if they won the big one.

And here I am not even buying tickets. I feel like I am not living up to my end of a social contract.

Gotta get back to buying those tix.
I used to buy Powerball tickets all the time when I lived in Oregon, since there was a huge Powerball billboard about a half-mile from the freeway exit that I took to get home. My first boyfriend started me on the habit, and so sometimes I'll still get them as an homage to him, may he rest in peace. I've never won more than $20 on it though, so I don't have the incentive which would come from chasing "that one time" when I won a decent sum of money.

I'm surprised to hear you say that you only play $1/$2 though, Muddy. Am I the only one that never spends less than $10 on a lotto ticket?
I'm surprised to hear you say that you only play $1/$2 though, Muddy. Am I the only one that never spends less than $10 on a lotto ticket?

That's what I used to do - 4 bucks a week. I guess it would be $8 a week now if I decide to resume with 6/49 @ 2 numbers per draw. I'm not even sure what lottos are going on around here now.

I could spend more - I certainly gamble much larger amounts on many things - but I see playing lotto as mainly a symbolic gesture anyway. I put myself in the game but I expect nothing. Just something to do with pocket change.