yes up for July
totals +5.2% roi, 179 bets, that's standard for me, I expect 4-5% on mlb totals
mls +9.8% roi 143 bets that's way better than normal for me, usually only up a little on mls
rls -3.5% roi 98 bets, that's about standard for me. I have no idea why but I suck ass on rls, always have and i have no fuking idea why
5-inning lines - i don't want to talk about it. it was awful
still up for the month overall though
i need an intervention and have you guys get me to rehab so I bet only totals and mls. it could transform my life
boys i have killed mlb totals year in and year out for years
but killed myself with fukin rls and 5 inning lines year in and fukin year out