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Dear Santa

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Feb 1, 2010
Dear Santa;

Santa, for the most part I have been a good boy this year. Sure there were moments of bad but for the majority of the year I conducted myself in a good light. Being that I have been more good than bad I think I deserve to have a very good Christmas.

Listed below is a list compiled of all the things I would like to get this year. Naturally I understand that not all request will be granted and I trust that you will fulfill the ones you deem most deserving. I am numbering the request but they are in no particular order.

Wish List:

1: That isn the coming year GameLive adopt a new band. Preferably one a little more mainstream.

2: That at some point during the coming year Bread stops drinking for the night PRIOR to passing out.

3: That Matty finally decides it’s cool to be non-confrontational and more accepting, just a different kind of cool.

4: Robyn boob pics. Also at some point makes a video singing us a song since we have now learned she has the voice angels are jealous of.

5: That Daft has a bad hair day and at least one zit. Dude is too pretty to be a guy.

6: That Mr.X, P-Roid and MonkeyFocker actually deliver on a promise to provide detailed explinations to various gambling related questions.

7: Nina boob pics. Also that she make herself a little more present around here and maybe bakes us a pie.

8: That Steve/’s get’s new ceiling tiles and a girlfriend that doesn’t have more personalities and or issues than he does. Oh and throw in pounds of pudding.

9: That Acid Joe finally realizes his actual age and remains hip but learns he’s not as young as he once was and starts taking better care of himself.

10: That Fischy finally reaches the end of the ONE TIMER’s and learn a new rally cry.

11: That Pico picks a game with a line that mere mortals can afford to wager.

12: That Plommer continues to be Plommer, the guy needs no changes.

13: That Muddy continues to ride his bike safely and FINALLY learns the miracle that is DVR’s.

14: Teela boob pics. Also that she post more regular with her special brand of humor that brings tears of laughter to my heart.

15: That RayRay comes to the rationale of his advancing years and gives the Ninja a baby.

16: That Coug’s learns to laugh and let go and not resent being the butt of the joke once in a while. Also that he continues to bring entertaining videos and his musical talents to GameLive.

17: Mrs.X boob pics. Also that when and if the goat should become to much to handle at some point, rather than setting it free where it could become roadkill, they invite Amby over for Bar-B-Que goat.

18: That PuckOff be more acknowledged and less overlooked by some around here.

19: That Enigma learns to love Pavy.

20: That Pavy opens up and shares more of his winning selection more often with GameLive.

21: That MonkeyFocker decides that the one thing missing in his life is actually internet relationships and decides to start formulating life lasting bonds with some around here.

22: Shari boob pics. Also pics in general. We have shown much love for Shari around here and comes to find out she shared with the guys across the street but we remain debied the pleasure.

23: That Blitty lands himself a girl who truly appreciates going Dutch.

24: That MrMonkey continues to be just who he is and never changes.

25: That McBaseBall’s like Daft get a HUGE pimple on the end of his nose in a very public setting just so that once he knows what it’s like to not being the prettiest boy in the crowd. Also that he is blessed with a healthy and happy baby later next year.

26: That RogueJuror shows some profit on this endeavor in the coming year.

27: Throw in an American Idol blonde pretty boy type for RogueScholar this year.

28: That I get another opportunity before my knees are completely shot at winning my money back from BGS.

29: That Mikey SOMEHOW makes it through a single work year without shooting, cutting, sawing, hammering, or bashing himself into an emergency room.

30: Less balls, ok no balls and MORE BOOBS. FightingIrish technically is a pain in the ass not a boob.

31: That Archie takes one non-contrarian stance on ANY subject.

Santa, I know I have forgotten more than a few wishes but before I forget if you truly think I have been a good boy this year and can only grant me one request I would like to experience GameLive for many years to come with all these wonderful people both on this forum and perhaps in person.
Muddy, in part it's an attempt to not show favortism, in part it's who wouldn't rather see boobs than balls if you are a straight male, in part I have to remain repetitive or else all the jokes on Coug's will seem mean spirited.

Muddy, I would say whoa as well but I would also say, whoooooooooooa!.
Took me a while to click on this thread. Wally you really need to work on your writing skills. Whatever good content you produce is overshadowed by lousy presentation.

Was that confrontational? It's constructive fokken criticism for fok's sake.

Wallay are you coming to New Orleans?

Good thread Wallay.