Hooligans Sportsbook

Days like today, it hits me.

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What kind of man acts like this?

Bill Dozer is less than a man.

He really should be ashamed of himself.

Guy has been a professional gambler since he was 12 years old, you would think he'd have a little more class.

Let's not forget that this is the same man who dropped out of (some say flunked out, I don't know which) UConn to take a job working for one of the sleaziest people any of us will ever meet. I realize that people are gullible in their early 20's, but if Bill Dozer was even half of a decent guy he never would've worked with Dickhead John this long. John taught him how to abuse and exploit people for personal gain and Dozer never flinched away from that sort of behavior, instead he decided to do whatever it took to become a successor to John's empire. If you ask me, Dozer is even worse than John because he does so much of the dirty work, scheming on any way possible to make John more money and thus become his heir. And to this day John still doesn't trust Bill with any of the money, that's why Shannon always works alongside Bill, to sign checks and make sure he's not doing anything too obviously retarded.

I think Rafael Nadal said it best when describing what will happen to John and Bill.

"We will see what happens in the end of life, no?"
This thread is interesting...I do think that you should at least get a consultation by a lawyer on what you should do. Many lawyers in cases such as this will not even charge you unless they recover something on your behalf so it might not be anything out of pocket for you. Obviously this also means they will not take on the case if they don't think it is something that they can win.

Just some food for thought Dave....
S-faggot-R behaved classlessly, no question.

At the same time I can't help but question you Dave for agreeing to the situation in the first place. Relocating at your own expense to go work for a dopey website built around jjgold? I know I recommended against it at the time (although you didn't know me from Adam).

They did behave shabbily but it was not totally unforeseeable. You were guilty of being too trusting. I have been guilty of that several times in my life too. Live and learn.

Beware of companies with "faggot" in the middle of their name.

I agree, I was naive, but before I took the job I flew out to San An and sat down with Bill and talked about the job. Everything he was telling me sounded really promising, how much they loved my work, how they wanted to build the video/blog stuff around me, how they wanted to make a long term commitment. He said we would find my niche and give me a chance to flourish. I was too trusting, but it never occurred to me that I would be let go a mere seven months later.

That "dopey" website was a clear moneymaker. More importantly, put yourself in my shoes... living at home with your parents, no direction in life, making minimum wage part time at a radio station, given the opportunity to make 45K (whick in San Antonio is like 60K in Los Angeles) doing something you love (writing/talking sports). It seemed like a great opportunity, and also a potential springboard into a sports media career.

You can judge me for it not being "totally unforeseeable", but in life, nothing is totally foreseeable. You have to take the plunge sometime, and with all the things I was promised, I assumed at the very least I'd have 1-2 years to get my feet wet.

I had my reservations about it, trust me, but I was in no position to turn the offer down.
I agree, I was naive, but before I took the job I flew out to San An and sat down with Bill and talked about the job. Everything he was telling me sounded really promising, how much they loved my work, how they wanted to build the video/blog stuff around me, how they wanted to make a long term commitment. He said we would find my niche and give me a chance to flourish. I was too trusting, but it never occurred to me that I would be let go a mere seven months later.

That "dopey" website was a clear moneymaker. More importantly, put yourself in my shoes... living at home with your parents, no direction in life, making minimum wage part time at a radio station, given the opportunity to make 45K (whick in San Antonio is like 60K in Los Angeles) doing something you love (writing/talking sports). It seemed like a great opportunity, and also a potential springboard into a sports media career.

You can judge me for it not being "totally unforeseeable", but in life, nothing is totally foreseeable. You have to take the plunge sometime, and with all the things I was promised, I assumed at the very least I'd have 1-2 years to get my feet wet.

I had my reservations about it, trust me, but I was in no position to turn the offer down.

This is why you never judge a book by its cover.
Dave, do not for one second second guess your judgment. You are young. Those who are questioning your judgment have already been there, done that in their search for the perfect job that would enhance their skills.

Most who are seeking a career have made terrible decisions along the way, primarily for being too trusting in the project in which we have been sold. If they haven't, well, they have just been lucky...like pavy.
Dave, do not for one second second guess your judgment. You are young. Those who are questioning your judgment have already been there, done that in their search for the perfect job that would enhance their skills.

Most who are seeking a career have made terrible decisions along the way, primarily for being too trusting in the project in which we have been sold. If they haven't, well, they have just been lucky...like pavy.

What she said. :yes:

Personally I think you came out on the better side of the deal on this one, Dave. You got to witness first-hand just how little talent you need to be successful in life by watching Bill operate. You should feel like you've got the world by the balls now, with your gifts and sparkling personality, there's really nothing holding you back. I think you were on the right track with All Pac-10, you're the type of person who needs to be at the helm of a project instead of blindly executing it, you just need to refine your business model a little more. Opportunity never closes a door without opening another, I would forget about S-faggot-R and attempt to recapture the spark you had when AP10 was just getting off the ground. I'd like to see you that happy and purposeful again.
What the hell did I do?
