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Multiple lunatic acquaintances messaged this to me, saying to ‘WATCH EVERY SECOND’

sounds about right. No knowledge of a lot of the particulars here, but pretty confident that in general this is how things work. :yes: conflicting interests and agendas. Public health and whatever noble causes, are seen primarily as tools and pr platforms to enrich and empower. Not ends in and of themselves. Obamacare is a fine example.
The way the coronavirus lockdown was presented and implemented, with no debate, no criteria, to me, speaks to the lack of any interest in coming up with a viable plan in the interests of the public. Simply a way to use the fearful, ignorant, and obedient, to further current and future goals
Boys if we don't get out of here alive it was nice knowing you. Even blitty.

Has anyone posted on the forum just before they died?

I'm committed here pals. If I die I hope this post makes it to the Reno cool quote thread as my final wish

I believe I posted a baseball play from the ICU in June of 2019. Rogey, can you can confirm? I was in for extensive blood clots after the bike crash surgery.

I think it may have been a winner, too.

Plommer, get well soon.
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Whats more and more apparent is the divide between (typically) white collar middle and upper class employees who are less adversely effected by the lockdowns and the typically lower income blue collar crew.

The pro draconian lockdown people like Matty, Dave, etc either activley want to push these people further down the income inequality pole or are more concerned about their personal health (ill acknowledge a real threat) than the overall well being of these working class families. People like myself (anti lockdown peeps) are willing to risk our lives to get these poor folks working again.

Be safe out there. Just don't get it.
Whats more and more apparent is the divide between (typically) white collar middle and upper class employees who are less adversely effected by the lockdowns and the typically lower income blue collar crew.

The pro draconian lockdown people like Matty, Dave, etc either activley want to push these people further down the income inequality pole or are more concerned about their personal health (ill acknowledge a real threat) than the overall well being of these working class families. People like myself (anti lockdown peeps) are willing to risk our lives to get these poor folks working again.

Be safe out there. Just don't get it.
:clueless: I've been posting this for weeks. You're saying like that's a revelation.
The way this thing is set up, brilliant. You couldn't find a better way to eliminate undesirables. The scenario is that the victim is painted as the uncouth, uncaring, uneducated rube, while the executioner a "scientist" who's dedicated to saving lives. I can't imagine the situation in Nazi Germany could've been substantatively different
The pro draconian lockdown people like Matty, Dave, etc either activley want to push these people further down the income inequality pole or are more concerned about their personal health (ill acknowledge a real threat) than the overall well being of these working class families.

100% untrue in my case

I'm mostly unconcerned about getting the virus. Also, I grew up working class and am currently a mix of white collar and lower-middle class artisan type. Most of my net worth is in my fledgling businesses and my wife's diamond ring. Wife and I are not poor but we're just getting by and have little assets.

I'm especially concerned for my working-class homies because this mess is now guaranteed to extend beyond 2021. And by "mess" I mean the economic carnage the virus going to cause. Read my early posts in this thread. I'm annoyed that the focus is still on the death rate, which is low enough that it's mostly irrelevant.

I'd feel a lot better about reopening our economies if we (by "we" I mean Canada and the US taken as a whole) had the cultural inclination and technological tools to track the spread like S. Korea allegedly did. We have neither (it's way too late to contain the virus like S. Korea did anyway, it would've needed to happen back in February) and our political leaders have recently decided that they were just going to wing it. I'm genuinely concerned that it'll drag out the problem and make everything worse, especially for the lower classes - to which my parents and all my aunts, uncles and cousins belong. My general feeling is that we're lining ourselves up for multiple lockdowns throughout the year when we could've nipped it in the bud with just one big one.

Granted, if a working-class family can't make ends meet and has tapped out their credit already, I don't have a solution for them beyond whatever govt help is available to them. But reopening early seems like the worst and most short-sighted move to make. IMO it's also guaranteeing that we won't see any sports for the rest of 2020 and possibly longer.

Of course, I don't have any hard data to offer to back up my position as this is all mental gymnastics and guesstimations based on a variety of journalistic and academic sources, many of which I skim and/or glaze over.

#GAMBOL, I guess.
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