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Don't know wha this means but peaking in on chart where world active MILD cases reached 96%! Was stuck on 95% for days! Closed DEATH cases though just went to 22% and rising daily! These numbers haven't put that was fear in me but what I type below has!

Been hearing where ventilators might not now be the end all? Thought they were a big reason people survive? Just a bridge that slows down your inevitable race to death unless the drugs you're given work? Only 30% on ventilators survive?

Ant late news posters hearing? :dunno:
Matty, I was not clear. I meant sourcing for your business of guitar "stuff". Do you get it from China?

Oh! I mostly buy from US and Canadian wholesalers. The magnets originate from China and the UK, but a surprising amount of stuff is made here (US/CAN).

I've been having some sourcing issues lately, but that's because I'm underfunded and not quite big enough to buy straight from manufacturers, nothing to do with the virus.
Stupid question - if every economy in the world slows down to roughly the same level, doesn't all that deflation cancel itself out?

In other words, assuming that food production and essential services are kept running, what's the worst that can happen after 18 months of no-fluff barebones economy?

Thinking about this hurts my brain.
Another reason going down this road of shutdown "mitigation" is problematic. We needed a sustainable approach. At any point they can say "don't stop now, it will come back". And they'll be right.
I just hope there are some forces somewhere, who will not allow us to sleepwalk into this existential disaster. The public has been more obedient than I could have imagined. At least, that's the portrayal through media. But also on here, and people I know.
Stupid question - if every economy in the world slows down to roughly the same level, doesn't all that deflation cancel itself out?

In other words, assuming that food production and essential services are kept running, what's the worst that can happen after 18 months of no-fluff barebones economy?

Thinking about this hurts my brain.

In this scenario, every govt does like Canada is doing and provides the equivalent of $2k a month to people whose jobs have been impacted. Their debt-to-GDP ratios grow uniformly high.
Stupid question - if every country in the world has to print tons of money to keep people afloat, doesn't all that deflation cancel itself out?

If food production and essential services are kept running, what's the worst that can happen after 18 months of no-fluff barebones economy?

Thinking about this hurts my brain.
There's enough resources to go around, if you figure they are gonna try to keep everybody afloat. That's a different world though. Printing money would redistribute it, basically.
And other countries currencies are per my understanding, linked to the dollar. They can't really print money. If the US prints money, a lot of the world is subsidizing. :dunno: something like that
I just said to wife, maybe we should just live like this all the time, no frills. We def gonna make/save money here (assuming none of us gets canned).

I started detailing cars for under the table money. Complete social distancing. As crazy as this sounds, this lockdown thing has me less stressed than I’ve been in years.