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Speaking of end times, I agree with Reno twice in one day! 😱

Proud moment for you Nazis? Arresting some kid shooting a video of people dancing? I understand

This IS an interesting precedent being set. Obviously I could give a shit about this dancing guy, fuck him and those like him.

But there aren't really laws on the book for quarantine procedure and actually enforcing these on-the-fly laws does potentially become problematic. Does a governor's decree automatically become enforceable law? One thing on public property, but in your own home?

Going to be some supreme court cases to come out of this episode, for sure. I mean I've always understood Reno's concerns about government becoming too powerful and this setting a dangerous precedent. I happen to think this particular disease clearly warrants social distancing extremes being taken and would love to see them enforced. But what powers does national and local govt have to do similar in the future? What is the criteria? Big questions that will need big answers.

boo. good video though :rolling: guy is pretty good. I thought maybe it was shaped like a vagina

And on a lighter note, yes, penguinz is hilarious. Love the way he spins phrases and just oozes sarcasm.
RJ, one of Muddy's pics needs to become a smilie! No idea what it would mean though! Any ideas?

Definitely smilie material
US intelligence has concluded that China liedabout the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths that it had. That report is classified, but it’s something that many of us suspected all along.

China officially reported just 81,556 cases and 3,312 deaths. The US already has 321,167 cases and 9,107 deaths.

Unfortunately most of the world relied on China’s data and didn’t prepare for what was coming.

The virus originated in Wuhan. The official thought is that it made the leap from a bat to a human in a Wuhan wet market. Those markets still operateand they are breeding grounds for animal viruses.

Conspiracy theorists have long said that the virus was engineered in Wuhan and/or a Chinese bio-security leak.

The Washington Post is now giving more credence to those theories
by calling the origin story murky. The Wuhan wet market didn’t actually have bats for sale that time of year. The Wuhan lab where they studied bat coronaviruses was just a few hundred yards from the wet market. Chinese studies of the novel coronavirus starting in and leaking from the Wuhan lab were published and then mysteriously withdrawn.

Did China cover up an accidental leak of the novel coronavirus?

That comes after China blocked all discussion of the coronavirus for months and allowed millions of people to flee Wuhan, spreading the pandemic to the entire planet. Had the pandemic been properly disclosed and contained, tens of thousands of lives as well as the world economy could have been saved. Whistleblowers like Dr. Li were punished for speaking out about the existence of a new coronavirus in December. He died of coronavirus at the age of just 33, leaving behind a child and a pregnant wife.

Based on cremation photos from Wuhan, it appears that tens of thousands died there alone.

The UK government is furious with China andthinks they had 40 times the number of cases that they reported, up to 3,200,000+ cases.They’re looking into retaliation, such as abandoning their deal to have Huawei install a 5G network in the UK.

Uglier yet, Italy donated PPE to China during their time of need, but China is charging Italy just to get their PPE back. And countries like Spain are returning Chinese coronavirus tests as they are only 30% accurate.

This is not China’s finest hour.

Will countries hold China accountable?
That does it.

I’m not eating pork fried rice ever again.

On a more serious note, the balance of powers on this planet will make it hard for real punishment to be levied upon China IMO. Perhaps other countries will start prioritizing education and creating homegrown industry