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I always wear a mask because I'm told to (both the govt and my wife) and it makes people around me feel safe since we're all conforming and we all tacitly agree to hate and demonize the non mask wearers around us. But I don't wear it because it works.. because it doesn't.
Yes, I find this interesting. What's really telling is when the cops tackle an old lady for refusing to wear a mask, and the crowd cheers. Ugly world we live in.
💪 rhinovirus > coronavirus

"If rhinovirus and Sars-CoV-2 were released at the same time, only rhinovirus is successful. If rhinovirus had a 24-hour head start then Sars-CoV-2 does not get a look in. And even when Sars-CoV-2 had 24-hours to get started, rhinovirus boots it out."


Nope. All that matters is all our old and infirm not die of covid (cause they might get killed or abused by a housemate). Stay home.
My 83 yr old father got his first shot on March 21st. Next day he came down with mild chills/fever, headache and feeling awful. Lasted 3 days then he was better. Side effect of the shot. His next shot is July 11th.

My half sister, her husband and her step father all have covid. The step father had his shot already. Her husband is having the most difficulty of the 3. He is obese and has pre existing health issues, some quite serious.
They keep moving the goalposts on this C-19 stuff.

Remember when they said just hang in there and wear the masks and social distance until we roll the vaccine out?
Yes they can't seem to figure it out. It's like the doctors, scientists, and health officials haven't learned a single thing from all the past worldwide pandemics they have lead us through. You would think that with all their experience and experiences they would be able to figure it out by now.

I no longer trust or believe these so called "experts". Those university degrees in science and medicine are meaningless in times like these. From now on I want to hear what the average non medically trained Joe or Karen has to say about all this nonsense.

I think I'm gonna scour facebook for some good ACCURATE information.