Hooligans Sportsbook

Community Fok-U Thread

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Don't mind me, though.

I'm only here for the shirtless, oily males posting TP cock pics.

Gamelive also needs someone to incessantly beg Steve to dance like a little girl on video and constantly mimic other posters.

Now THAT'S interesting. Hopefully someone can fill that void.
MonkeyFocker, this might sound like a knock but it isn't, I really don't expect guys like you and Durito who chase steam/scalp and model to have much to discuss in terms of match-ups and the like. Not because you guys might not have an opinion but I would assume that you detach those opinions from the process.

It would be nice if you guys contributed in terms of physical analysis but certainly not expected.

Now someone like Muddy who may very well do the same things as you and Durito seems to also formulate opinions and being the analytical sort that he is might actually enjoy discussing games in detail. Maybe not but worth a shot.

Basically I made the FOK comment after watching other boards have countless (mostly crap) topics about various games and here we were pretty much talking about Casper's penis, Cali's old fart and Muddy's uncanny ability to turn shit into gold.
MF'er, it would be nice from time to time if the plays I post match stuff you have if you gave a little thumbs up. My process is nowhere as complex as yours but I am still proud of it and it's nice to know when it lines up with someone who is more advanced in the process.

The other forums are all glad I post early projected lines but no-one ever wants to discuss or share in return.
i'm approaching morbidly obese on my height weight chart

I need to either stop lifting, stop eating so much

or both....

Why would you stop doing things you enjoy?

Big Al is officially stuck with you, fat ass and all.

Archie, you should hook me up with one of big Als goodlooking sisters or cousins, sounds like the women in her family are into fat guys.
Plus I'm a foreigner with an accent, American broads dig that stuff.

she's gotta a ton of cousins

not sisters

most of them never leave their hometown in ohio and are very boring

good luck

Have you slept with any of them? How do you know they are boring?

Arch, if any of them are interested I may be talked into providing airfare from Ohio to North Dakota.

Depending on how they perform up here I may even spring for the return ticket.