Hooligans Sportsbook

Chronic marijuana users believe the drug helps them with great thoughts/ideas!

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Like most recreational drugs, the best results come from occasional use.

The best thing about drugs, imo, is the bending of perception and reality. Do too much and you're trying to make them a substitute for reality, and that doesn't often work out so well. No matter how crappy reality is, it usually must be dealt with.
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Like most recreational drugs, the best results come from occasional use.

The best thing about drugs, imo, is the bending of perception and reality. Do too much and you're trying to make them a substitution for reality, and that doesn't often work out so well. No matter how crappy reality is, it usually must be dealt with.

MrX is sharp in the game of life also.
he's got the universe by the short and curlies
Like most recreational drugs, the best results come from occasional use.

The best thing about drugs, imo, is the bending of perception and reality. Do too much and you're trying to make them a substitution for reality, and that doesn't often work out so well. No matter how crappy reality is, it usually must be dealt with.

Hall of Fame post Mr. X. :thumbsup:

you must be doing it wrong

been smoking an 1/8 every 3 days for the last 7 years( spend about $130 a week)

I'm just as motivated and inspired as I ever was, makes every facet of my life better...hasn't made me paranoid in the least bit, your brother was probably already a whack job from the get-go and the weed just enhances his already delusional thought process...

my day goes like this

10am ininhale 1 vapor bag when i wake up......30 min Jog, 15 minutes hitting the heavy bag

1pm iinhale 1 vapor bag...browse my betting options for the day, and check a few reputable MMA sources

4pm inhale 1 vapor bag...east some kind of heavy pasta and ice cream

6pm load the bong up with a bowl and sprinkle some homemade keef on it....fire away at most of my bets for the day

9.pm inhale 2 vapor bags ....begin research for a few write-ups due later in the week

1am.... inhale 2 vapor bags and spoke 3 or 4 bowls before going to sleep.... sleep like Prince Caspian

of course there's a few more meals sprinkled in there ;)

without it I'm usually highly agitated, never sleep, and usually unmotivated
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the only drugs that have truly hindered my brain are acid. mushrooms , and most other psychedelics....I honestly wish I could take back half of my trips, once the bad trips( mostly this year) slowly started to outweigh the good ones I knew it was time for a break.

I'm sitting on about 200 dollars worth of acid, some 4 month old mushrooms, and well over 800 dollars worth of 2c-b/2c-e...honestly doubt I ever touch any of these drugs again...free drugs for anyone who is ever near austin!