I remember starting a gang. it was a neighborhood gang full of little white boys like me. most of us were like 10 years old or so. Everyone wanted to be in it, b/c we had nothing else to do. everyone spent their summer trying to work their way up to a better position in the gang. we would have them do cool things like climb scaffolding, steal, throw rocks at each other etc... whoever won or did the best moved up.
I had a neighbor who accused me of slashing his tires, which i didn't do, and they even called the cops and had them come to my house. So after that, me and the gang turned on them. we would take dumps in their pool, egg their car, throw rocks at their front door, stand in front of their driveway when they were trying to leave and other cool stuff like that.
Once school started again, the gang pretty much broke up b/c everyone got bored with it.
It was pretty tame stuff really, but that was a fun summer.